
Friday, February 11, 2011

Umar's Governors and their behaviours

The writer of Aghani says: “Amrul Qays accepted Islam at the hands of Umar. Umar appointed him as a governor, without him having recited a single rakat (unit) of prayer.”1

The details of this incident are to be found in the report of Auf bin Kharja Al Marri.

He said: “By Allah I was with Umar during the period of his Caliphate. A person approached us. His chest was narrow and his back, broad. His sparse hair were parted from the centre. He crossed over the people and came forward till he stood before Umar and congratulated him for his Caliphate. Umar asked ‘Who are you?’
He replied, “I am a Christian, I am Amrul Qays bin Adi Al Kalbi.”
Umar recognised him. He asked, “What do you want?”
‘Islam’, he replied.
Umar presented Islam to him and he accepted it. Umar armed him, and appointed him over those who had accepted Islam in Syria from the tribe of Qaza.1 The Shaikh walked behind him when the


1 Al-Aghani, Vol.14, Pg.158.

1 A major tribe. Refer Ansab of Ibne Hazm Pg.440-460 and Mojamul Qabaelal Arab 3:957.

flag used to flutter over his head ...”2 The incident of the appointment of Al Qama bin Al-ata as the ruler after he renegaded is also against the accepted logic. This incident is also present in Aghani and Isabah.3

2 Al-Aghani, Vol.14, Pg.157.

3 Al Isabah, Vol.2, Pg.496-498, Al Aghani, Vol.15,

The incident in brief is thus: “Al Qama accepted Islam in the days of the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) and he returned to polytheism during the time of Abu Bakr. Abu Bakr sent Khalid towards him but he fled.
Then he returned and embraced Islam.” 

And in Isabah:
During the time of Umar he (Al Qama) drank wine and Umar ordered punishment for him. He became a Kafir and fled to Rome. The King of Rome welcomed him and honoured him and asked if he was the cousin of Amir bin Tufayl. Al Qama became angry and said, “I do not like but to be introduced through Amir!”1


1 There was enmity between Al Qama and Aamir as related by the writers. It is mentioned in Aghani that one day, Al Qama was answering the call of nature when Aamir saw him and said, "I have never before seen the nakedness of another man." 

Al Qama said,

"By Allah I have never entered into anyone's privacy and never barged into any hut." Thus criticising Aamir.Aamir said: "I am of a more superior tribe."Al Qama said: I am much better than you. Your women are attracted towards me."

Then he returned and accepted Islam. It is mentioned in Aghani and Isabah, and in the words of Aghani:
Al Qama ibne Al-ata came to Madinah when he had become a Murtad (renegade). He was a friend of Khalid Ibne Walid. Umar Ibne Khattab approached him in the mosque while it was dark. Umar was like Khalid in appearance. Umar saluted him and Al Qama thought he was Khalid. Al Qama asked, “Have you separated?” “I was”, replied Umar. He said, “You were capable but people had been jealous to you.”
Umar said, “Have you any support to rise against him (Umar)?”
He replied “I seek refuge in Allah! Umar is the one whom we shall obey and we can never revolt against him.”
When it was morning Umar called for Khalid, and Khalid entered. Al Qama sat down beside him.

Umar looked at Al Qama. “O Al Qama! You were going to say something to Khalid.”
Al Qama looked at Khalid and said, “Have you done it?”
Khalid replied, “What joke is it? I have not met you before this and I think that you have met someone (else).”
“I have met someone”, he replied. Then he looked at Umar and said: “O Chief of believers I do not wish to hear except goodness from you.”
Umar said, “Shall I make you the Governor of Hauran?”1
So he became the governor of Hauran and he died there later.
Atiyya used to recite the elegy…”

Moreover in Isabah are the words of Umar: “I would prefer that an adviser like you had been present instead of so and so.”
Whatever we have mentioned is a historical reality, but the scholars of the School of Caliphate have relied on these very narrations and arrived at a standard for identifying the Companions of the Holy Prophet.


1 Al Mojamul Buldan Vol.2, Pg.358

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