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Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Shia Imams and First three Caliphs

A letter from Imam Ali to Muawiya, the rebel governor of Syria, is found in Nehjul Blagha, which he wrote in reply to his earlier communication, and showed his disgust towards the first three caliphates.

“I do not owe any apology to the people for showing my disgust on the legality of the (first three caliphs).”

After the death of second caliph, when Abdur Rahman bin Auf, offered the seat of authority to him, conditional to the following of the Sunnah of Shaikhain (Abubakr and Umar), he rejected the offer without giving it a second thought. This incident also shows that he considered the first three caliphates as usurpers and completely illegal and they were aware of this situation. It is mentioned in Sahih Muslim that Umar Ibne Khattab, the second caliph admitted, while talking to Abdullah Ibne Abbas,
“You two not only consider me a liar, sinner, traitor and usurper but also have the same opinion about the one, who was better than me (Abubakr).”
Ibne Abbas kept quiet on this allegation, and his silence has put a stamp of confirmation on this allegation that they were really what they were thought to be. Readers can refer to our book ASBAT UL IMAMAT.

As truth lies with the progeny of the Prophet, therefore, their fellowship and compliance, which is authorized by the Qur‟an cannot be perfected, unless we show our disgust and repulsion to their enemies; very similar to the rejection and repugnance of those whom we have to deny before witnessing the unity of God and the Prophesy of Muhammad (SAWA). This declaration of allegiance i.e. Kalema of Tauhid is a key for ALI UN WALIULLAH and this conclusion is based on the true understanding of nature. Since Islam is a religion of nature and nature tells that truthful and a liar, erudite and an illiterate, hypocrite and a faithful, aggressor and the defender, cheat and a virtuous cannot become equal. It is an undivided verdict of the mind that one must feel sympathy with the innocent and repulsion against the antagonist, detestation of false Prophets and Imams is mandatory. No right minded person of any religion or land would disagree with this approach. Among the Muslims, the only true sect, Shias has this approach of love and hate for the pious and irreverent respectively, as an integral part of their doctrine. This ideology is in line with the pronouncements of the Quran and Hadith. It is mentioned in Sura Ale Imran,
“It is not right for the believers to take infidels as friends in place of the faithful.”
At another place in Sura Al Mumtahinna the same advice was issued,
“O the people of faith do not accept your enemies as your friends.”
It is mentioned about Abraham that when he knew that his uncle was an enemy of God, he immediately withdrew himself from him. Allah praises this act of Abraham. This is the true interpretation of TAWALLA AND TA’BURRA that cannot be denied by any fair minded person, but the agitating and provocative mullahs have presented this concept in such a repulsive way that it was described as being a mode of abusing the companions of the Prophet.

We the Shias, in accordance with the Quranic verdict, disapprove the use of harmful language even for the infidels and mushriks, then how can we make it permissible for those who declare themselves as Muslims? On the other hand LA’NAT and TA’BURRA are two different things that are permitted by the Quran. LA’NAT literally means separation from God‟s blessings and TA’BURRA stands for displeasure or annoyance with the enemies of God and His Messengers. No man can claim to have reached the position of faith as long as he does not prefer the person of the Prophet over every asset, including his family and wealth, other than God, which is in line with the declaration of the Qur‟an: The Prophet is above the souls of the believers, or as the Prophet has proclaimed for himself,
“No person can claim to be a man of faith, unless he prefers me over everything, including his family and friends.”

How is it possible for a believer to claim Iman, while feeling ghastly about the virtuous friends of the Prophet? For some reasons, love for the companions of the Prophet is compulsory, because they are Momins and according to the Quran; all believers are brothers. The love of a believer is therefore, essential for another believer, and so it is a religious duty. Secondly, the companions of the Prophet have aided the Prophet; and respect for the associates of the adored is naturally obvious, so the companions of the Prophet are favoured by God, by virtue of their Jihad in His way. Again, companions are disciples of the Prophet and those who obey the Prophet are friends of God, in accordance with the Quranic assertions. It is therefore, important for the people to know that the respect for the companions of the Prophet is mandatory, and part and parcel of faith. Mohaqqiq Sheikh Bahai writes in his research paper,

“It is our conviction that the love of those companions of the Prophet is an integral part of our faith that remained steadfast in their fellowship and did not disobey his will and his legatees, after his death. This is our perception of the companions of the Prophet, and we the Shias, in submission to our Imams take it as a routine to seek God‟s favour for them."

Imam Zainul Aabedin (AS) in a supplication to God talks about the companions of the Prophet, “O, God do not forsake those companions of the Prophet, who treated Your Messenger with affection and love, and fought relentlessly in his support and came forward to accept his message. O! God enhance their standing among thy blessings.”

It is revealed through the history that among the companions of the Prophets there were all kinds of people, including hypocrites, murderers, unjust, just, faithful, unreliable and some double minded individuals. Shias are of the opinion that this grouping must not be viewed with a single lens and such a practice is malice towards intellect and civilised culture.

Some honest minded Sunni Scholars had to admit this reality with some hesitation, therefore Allama Taftani writes in Sharhul Maqasid,
“The battles and disputes that took place among the companions of the Prophet, which are witnessed and recorded by history prove that some of the companions of the Prophet had diverted from the path set by the Prophet of God, and their behaviour was approaching impudence and apostasy. The reasons behind such behaviour were personal jealousy and greed for the world. This was because every companion of the Prophet or anyone who happened to meet the Prophet was not a spotless person.”

It is the firm belief of Shias that the Prophet had appointed Ali Ibne Abi Talib (AS) as his successor before his death, in accordance with the norms of God. This succession was initially announced at the time of DAWAT’E ZUL AASHEERA, a family gathering arranged to invite near relatives to the religion of Islam, and the traditions of such an appointment were observed in front of the whole family, and finally near the wells of Ghadeer, after the last pilgrimage in front of the majority of his nation. The Prophet has shown with his actions that his succession was a divine appointment and it could only come into place through the revelation; instead of collective people‟s decision. But alas, the old traditions prevailed and the real heirs of the Prophet were not allowed to assume their rightful place, and the reign of power was handed over to those who did not deserve it. Those who assumed power in the presence of Aa‟imma Tahereen (virtuous leaders), their action was illegal and unjust as viewed by Imam Ali (AS) and his progeny. This is declared by Imam Ali (AS) in many of his sermons and speeches. He says in the sermon of Shaq‟sha-qiyya,
“The first caliph wrapped the robes of caliphate around his body, with perfect understanding that I had the same affiliation to this office as the pivot holds for a rotating wheel. I am sitting at such a lofty position where springs of knowledge are oozing out from me and no high flier can reach my pinnacle.”



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