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Sunday, August 21, 2011


The first group is the group Imam Ali (as) and his followers and the second group is the group of Abu Bakr and his followers. A second group which is the group of Abu Baker, since the era of the Prophet (saw) was trying to do all sorts of conspiracy and wanted Ahlel Bait not to reach the office of leading the ummah. They showed aggression and hostility toward Ahlel Bait. The second group after managed to resist and prevented the Prophet (saw) not to write his Will, they too achieved and succeed even to take power and Islamic government into their hand after the death of the Prophet (saw). Unfortunately the second group with their conspiracy they managed to take the government, power and leadership through revolutionary which they planned and kept Ahlel Bait in cornered and separated and done every possible ways for them not to reach to the office.


Similarly, they hurried to Saqifa and participated in the elimination of 'Ali b. Abu Talib from the Caliphate, and left the body of Allah's Apostle (s.a.w) a covered corpse, may my father and mother be sacrificed for him. They did not concern themselves with bathing, or enshrouding, or preparing him for burial, or burying him; busying himself, instead, with the position of the Caliphate and leadership for which he extended his neck. Where then was the close companionship, the alleged friendship and good character? I am astonished at the attitude of these companions towards their Prophet, who devoted his life to their guidance, nourishment and advise, these companions to whom the Qur'an advised; "What befalls you concerns him, he is watching you, he is kind and merciful to the believers". Still, [we see them] leaving him [as] a stiffening corpse, and hurrying instead to Saqifa to appoint one among themselves as Caliph!

Today, we live in the twentieth century which we claim is the most wretched one, wherein morals have vanished and values have evaporated; yet, in spite of all this, if a neighbour amongst the Muslims dies, they rush to him and busy themselves until they bury him in his grave, in accordance with the saying of the Prophet (S.A.W.): "Honoring the dead means burying him".

During the lifetime of the Prophet (s.a.w), the Mosque of Prophet was the center of all Islamic activities. It was there that the decision of war and peace were made, delegations were received, sermons were delivered and cases were decided. It is not surprising that when the news of the demise of the Prophet (s.a.w) spread, the Muslims assembled in that very Mosque.

On the other hand, Saqifah of Bani Sa'idah was located three miles OUTSIDE Medina and was a secret location for the evil activities of some Arab tribes. (see Ghiyath al-Lughah, p228).

Why then Sa'd Ibn Ubadah and his fans as well as Abu Bakr and Umar, left the Mosque secretly and without informing other prominent companions and went three miles outside Medina to discuss the issue of Caliphate? Why didn't they discuss the issue as important as this among the Muslims inside the mosque? Wasn't that they wanted to usurp the Caliphate without the knowledge of people? Why did Abu Bakr and Umar with Abu Ubaydah slip out the mosque secretly? Was it because Ali and Bani Hashim were present in the mosque and in the house of Prophet, and they did not want them to know the plot?

Also, we should keep in mind that it was the custom of the Arabs that once a person was declared, even by a small group, to be the chief of the tribe, others hesitated to oppose him, and willy nilly followed suit. Due to their dislike of Imam Ali (a.s) (which I discussed earlier), they did not respect his right, nor did they even informed him of this meeting. They SIMPLY neglected the last sermon of Prophet in Ghadir Khum where the Messenger of God declared him as his successor just two and a half months months before the incedent of Saqifah.

We do not agree and reject THE SECRET MEETING OF SAQIFA which happened without the awareness and knowledge of the Muslim Ummah. Only few people met there, made their own decisions and selected their own man among themselves. Worst in this meeting the discussion was about the tribalism NOT ISLAM. There are several questions have risen in this meeting which require A TRUE MUSLIM TO ANSWER THEM.

1) When the second caliph came to be informed about the meeting in Saqifa why he came in secret in the mosque and informed only two people Abu Baker and Abu Ubaida?

2) Among all the Muslims in the mosque he only selected Abu Baker and Abu Ubaida. Other important Companions of the Holy Prophets (s.a.w) did not have the right to attend that meeting?

3) How can he left out Ali at the time the Holy Prophet (s.a.w) said "Ali mal Haq wal Haqma Ali?"

4) How can he left out Salman at the time the Holy Prophet (s.a.w) said "Salman minal Ahle Bait?"

5) How can he left out Khuzaima Ibne Thabit (Dhush-Shahadatain) at the time the Holy Prophet (s.a.w) said that his witness is equal to two people? Was he not important and necessary at the serious moment?

6) How can he left out Ammar Yasir at the time the Holy Prophet (s.a.w) said that he would be killed by rebellious, meaning Firqa Baghiya?

7) How can he left out Abu Dhar at the time the Holy Prophet (s.a.w) said “Heaven has not shaded, nor has the earth carried a person more straight forward than Abu Dhar. He walks on earth with the immaterialistic attitude of Jesus, the son of Mary."

8) How soon Omar and his friends forgot the saying of the Holy Prophet (s.a.w) "Paradise longs for three men, Ali, Ammar and Salman."

9) Other Muslims particular those who were at the Mosque, did not have the Feeling of Safety and Love for Islam, only those few people felt the danger?

10) The event of Ghadir Khum just passed only few days before Saqifa took place which they Abu Bakr, Omar and Abu Ubaida were present and heard what the Holy Prophet (s.a.w) said. They not only heard what the Holy Prophet (s.a.w) said, but they were the first people to congratulate Ali (a.s). Was it possible that they quickly forgot this Important event and Hadith of Holy Prophet (s.a.w) of Ghadir Khum and rushed to Saqifa?

11) If Abu Bakr, Omar and Abu Ubaida did not have ANY DESIRE for Caliphate, what made them to leave the Dead Body of the Last Holy Prophet (s.a.w) and Beloved of Allah aside without attending his Funeral?

12) We know that after the death of Omar, there was three days gaps and then a Caliph was selected. Why could they not delay the selection of Caliphate to take place after the burial of the Holy Prophet (s.a.w)?

13) The same Abu Ubaida bin Jarrah was a grave digger for the Muslim of Makkah. How he managed to leave such a golden opportunity to dig the grave of the Holy Prophet (s.a.w) and ran for the selection of Caliphate?

14) Which one was it important for Abu Ubaida the golden opportunity to dig the grave of the Holy Prophet (s.a.w) or the worldly power of Caliphate?

15) Since when the Holy Prophet (s.a.w) in his life ever attended Saqifa and sent any delegation there?

16) Were not the same Saqifa which was infamous and the secret meeting place of the criminals to discuss their bad movement?

17) Was the Mosque not preferable and the right place for the selection of the Khilafa than Saqifa?

18) The Mosque did not have enough space for the Muslim gathering so they should go to Saqifa?

19) The decision of war, peace, people coming to the Holy Prophet (saw), lecture and the solving of Muslim problems during the time of the Holy Prophet (s.a.w) was taking place in Saqifa or in the Mosque?

20) Why during debate in Saqifa, there were not mentioned any Quranic verses or the Holy Prophet (saw) traditions?

21) The Holy Prophet (saw) tried his best to remove the problem of tribe and treated all Muslims equal, if this was the selection of the Muslim Khalifa why the subject of tribelism was brought forward in this meeting?

22) Was it not conspiracy that Omar prepared a speech instead Abu Baker read exactly what Omar wanted?

Volume 8, Book 82, Number 817:

     Narrated Ibn 'Abbas:

     When the speaker had finished, I intended to speak as I had prepared a speech which I liked and which I wanted to deliver in the presence of Abu Bakr, and I used to avoid provoking him. So, when I wanted to speak, Abu Bakr said, 'Wait a while.' I disliked to make him angry. So Abu Bakr himself gave a speech, and he was wiser and more patient than I. BY ALLAH, HE NEVER MISSED A SENTENCE THAT I LIKED IN MY OWN PREPARED SPEECH, BUT HE SAID THE LIKE OF IT OR BETTER THAN IT SPONTANEOUSLY.

23) Where were those traditions in praise of Abu Baker and Umar from the Prophet (saw)? Here in Saqifa was the right place and right time to bring forward in order to give it strength for the selection of a Khalifa. Why Abu Baker or Umar never brought forward any traditions regarding them if they were truly existed in their favour and Prophet (saw) said regarding them?

What was the end of this man made Caliphate? It was sunk in Black Sea by human being!!!!



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