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Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Hadith of the standard in the conquest of Khaibar

The prominent ulema and historians of the two sects have both narrated the hadith-e-Rayat.

For instance,
Muhammad Bin Isma'il Bukhari, in his Sahih, Volume II, Kitabu'l-Jihad Wa's-Siyar, Chapter Du'au'n-Nabi, also Volume III, Kitabu'l-Maghazi, Chapter Ghazawa-e-Khaibar;

Muslim Bin Hajjaj in his Sahih, Volume 2, page 324; Imam Abdu'r-Rahman Nisa'i in his Khasa'isu'l-Alawi;

Tirmidhi in his Sunan;
Ibn Hajar Asqalani in Isaba, Volume II, p. 508;
Muhaddith-e-Sham in his Ta'rikh;
Ahmad bin Hanbal in his Musnad;
Ibn Maja Qazwini in Sunan;
Sheikh Sulayman Balkhi Hanafi in Yanabiu'l-Mawadda Chapter 6;
Sibt Ibn Jauzi in Tadhkira;
Muhammad bin Yusuf Ganji Shafi'i in Matalibu's-Su'ul, Hafiz Abu Nu'aim Isfahani in Hilyatu'l-Auliya; Abu Qasim Tibrani in Ausat;
and Abu Qasim Husain bin Muhammad (Raghib Isfahani) in Muhaziratu'l-Udaba, Volume II, page 212.
In short, virtually all of your historians and traditionists have recorded this hadith, so that

Hakim says: "This hadith has reached the stage of unanimity."

Tabrini says: "Ali's victory in Khaibar is proved by its unanimity."

When the Muslim army laid siege to the Fort of Khaibar, it suffered defeat three times under the command of Abu Bakr and Umar, and they fled.
The companions were greatly frustrated. In order to inspire the companions, the Prophet announced that Khaibar would be conquered.

He said: "By Allah, tomorrow I will give the standard to one who will return successful. He is one who attacks repeatedly and never leaves the battlefield and never retraces his steps until he achieves success. He loves Allah and the Prophet of Allah, and Allah and the Prophet of Allah love him."

That night the companions could not sleep, wondering who would be given this special favor. At dawn, all put on their military garb and presented themselves before the Prophet. The Prophet asked, "Where is my brother and son of my uncle, Ali Bin Abu Talib?" They told him, "O Prophet of Allah, he is suffering so much with sore eyes that he cannot move." The Prophet asked Salman to call Ali. Salman took Ali by the hand and brought him to the Prophet. He saluted the Prophet, and after returning the salutation, the Prophet asked, "How are you, O Abu'l-Hasan?" He replied, "It is all well by the grace of Allah. I am suffering from headache and so much pain in the eyes that I cannot see anything." The Prophet bade him come near. When Ali had moved closer, the Prophet applied the saliva of his own mouth to Ali's eyes and prayed for him. Soon his eyes were bright, and his ailment vanished completely.
He gave Ali the flag of victory. Ali proceeded to the forts of Khaibar, fought against the Jews, slew their brave soldiers, like Harhab, Harith, Hisham, and Alqama, and conquered the hitherto invincible Forts of Khaibar.

Ibn Sabbagh Maliki in his Fusulu'l-Muhimma, page 21, has quoted this report from the six books of tradition,
while Muhammad Bin Yusuf Ganji Shafi'i in his Kifayatu't-Talib, Chapter 14,
after narrating the hadith says that the Prophet's chief poet, Hasan Bin Thabit, was present on this occasion.
He composed couplets in praise of Ali: "Ali was suffering from an eye disorder. Because there was no physician, the Prophet cured him with his own saliva. So both the curer and the patient were blessed. The Holy Prophet said, 'Today I will give the standard to a highly skilled horseman, valiant and chivalrous, my comrade in battle. He loves Allah and Allah loves him; so through him He will make us conquer the Forts.' After this, leaving all others aside, he selected Ali and made him his successor."

Ibn Sabbagh Maliki narrates from Sahih Muslim that Umar Bin Khattab said: "I never aspired for bearing the standard, but that day I had a keen desire for it. I was repeatedly making myself conspicuous before the Prophet, wishing that perhaps he might call me, and that I might be blessed with this honor. But it was Ali who was called by the Prophet and the glory went to him."

Sibt Ibn Jauzi has recorded this report in his Tadhkira, page 15,
and Imam Abu Abdu'r-Rahman Ahmad Bin Ali Nisa'i in his Khasa'isu'l-Alawi,
after narrating twelve hadith on the topic of Ali's bearing the standard at Khaibar, quotes the same report in the eighteenth hadith about Umar's hope for getting the standard.

Also Jalalu'd-Din Suyuti in his Ta'rikhu'l-Khulafa, Ibn Hajar Makki, in his Sawa'iq, and Ibn Shirwaini in his Firdausu'l-Akhbar, narrate that Umar Bin Khattab said: "Ali has been endowed with three things, and if I possessed only one, I would have preferred it to all the camels in my possession: Ali's marriage with Fatima; his staying in the mosque in every condition, and this was not permissible for anyone except Ali, and his bearing the standard in the Conquest of Khaibar."



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