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Sunday, February 5, 2012

The Foreign Expeditions of Umar Were Against the Laws of Jihad!

The Holy Quran deals with the subject of Jihad very fully and forcibly. According to Quran, war is exclusively a political affair, and its object is only to protect the nation from outside aggression and defend it from encroachment on its honour and prestige.
Though absolutely essential as a defensive measure, it should on no account be made a weapon of offence or a means to acquire kingdoms. It cannot be used to extend the boundaries of the realm or to place one nation over the head of another. Its interference in the domain of religion has been prohibited in the Qur'an in these words:
"There is no compulsion in religion." This principle of allowing the greatest possible freedom of opinion in religious matters was entirely unknown to, and sharply in contrast with the intolerant views of the rest of the world, from the beginning of history right up to the nineteenth century (C.E.), from the Laws of Plato and the Twelve Tables to the Inquisition and the Pillory, and is clearly demonstrative of the prophetic nature of Muhammad's mission. That this principle should have been entirely ignored by the non-Muslim world is most unfortunate, but can easily be explained. It can he attributed to the fighting started by the early Caliphate(Caliphate of Abu Bakr and Umar) against its non-Muslim neighbours, for in reality they were not religious wars, and were not prompted by religious motives, but a religious colouring was given to them for the sake of infusing in their armies that zeal and disregard for life which is so essential for winning a war, and it was thus represented to the eredulous Arabs that they were fighting in the way of God, and that if they won they would get Ghanima, and if they fell fighting they would he admitted into Paradise. To complete the illusion, when the two armies were face to face and on the point of starting to fight, their generals would offer Islam to the enemy, adding that if they refused they must be prepared to fight. Prepared to fight they already were; this was neither the occasion nor the manner for inviting an outraged enemy to accept the teachings of Islam when those teachings were presented to them in such an un-Islamic way. They fought and won, and the vanquished were quite justified in proclaiming to the world that Islam was thrust on the people at the point of the sword. The cry was eagerly taken up by the Clergy of Europe and preserved in their books for the coming generations. This was a great injustice of Islam, which even in that age of bigotry and intolerance taught that there was no compulsion in religion. This mistaken view of the world about Islam was due to the unjustifiable wars carried on by the Early Caliphate(Caliphate of Abu Bakr and Umar) against Persia and Syria, and imitated by the Omayyad and Abbassid kings. The teachings of the Qur'an, as enforced by the Prophet (P), were quite contrary to this.
There was no element of force in the promulgation of Islam, as I will presently show. But I must first describe the laws of Jihad as laid down in the Quran As a safeguard against the indiscriminate resort to war, no Prophet, or his community of followers, have been permitted to make war on the infidels without divine permission to that effect. This rule is very clearly demonstrated in the story of Samuel and Saul as given in the Qur'an(46Xh). When hard pressed by the Philistines, the Israelites asked their Prophet Samuel to appoint a king, and to get God's permission to fight their enemy. Their Prophet asked whether, if God commanded them to fight, they would shirk from it .. They reaffirmed their resolve to fight. It was then that the permission was given. Similarly, the Muslims did not fight unless and until they were commanded to do so. As in the case of the Israelites, so with the Muslims; this command or permission to fight was given on certain conditions and with certain reservations, which constitute the rules of Holy War, or Jihad.

They are contained in the following verses:

1. "Fight in the cause of God those who fight against you, but transgress not the limits, for God loveth not the transgressors"
(Sura II, 190).

2."Slay them wherever you find them, and turn them out from where they have turned you out; for fitna (oppression, tumult) is more grievous than slaughter; but fight them not in the Sacred Mosque, unless they attack you therein; but if they fight you, then slay them. Such is the reward of the unbelievers. But if they desist, God is Oft-forgiving, Merciful. And fight them until fitna is no more and the religion is for God; but if they desist, then let there be no hostility except to the oppressors. A sacred month is for a sacred month -and prohibited things- as per the law of retaliation. Whoever transgresses against you, then transgress against him in like manner; and fear God, and know that God is with the muttaqin (heeders of their obliga- tions)." (Sura II, 191-194)

3." ... and let not hatred of a people induce you to act with injus- tice; act justly,. that is the nearest to taqwa (piety, righteous- ness); and fear God ... ., (Sura V, 9).

These are the Quranic laws of Holy War, or Jihad; and it is impossible to find rules on the subject more sane and reasonable, or more in keeping with justice, equity and good conscience -even in the modern code of international morality. Study them very closely; a general permission to fight every infidel or unbeliever is not given.
The Muslims are to fight only those who have already declared war and have committed acts of hostility against them. Mark the very healthy rule that they should not be the first to attack. This rule alone, if scrupulously observed and faithfully put into effect, is sure to eliminate war. Exhortation to do justice even with one's enemies is another beautiful doctrine peculiar to Islam which proves the divine source of these mandates. There is nothing in these rules of Jihad to be afraid of for those who want to live peacefully as the neighbours of the Muslims, and who do not, transgress the limits of co-existence by being the first to attack.
The Prophet (P) conducted his wars in accordance, with the rules laid down in the Qur'an, and observed all the limitations and restrictions. It was for this reason that the majority of the people did not respond to his call to arms. The Holy Qur'an bears testimony to this reluctance of theirs and mentions various false excuses made by them for being allowed to stay at home and not join the army. On the other hand. when the expeditions of the early Caliphs(Abu Bakr and Umar) were sent to Persia and Syria, knowing that the rigidity of the rules was no more, they vied eagerly with each other to join the armies. During the time of Imam Ali the application of the rules was reimposed, with the result that same reluctance to join the armies was once again in evidence.

The following rules of Jihad are deducible from the verses quoted above: 

1.The Muslims must not be the first to attack a nation; they are to fight only those who begin the fight against them.

2. Even towards an enemy they must behave with justice and equity. 

3.The Muslims are to observe the sanctity of the prohibited months and the mosque: but if the enemy fights them during that time or in that place they are to do the same 

4.In war. they should not be the transgressors.

The Damage Done to Islam through  Early Conquests of Umar & Co.:

That these early conquests proved more destructive than beneficial to Islam must be evident from the preceding discussions. 

Here is a list summarizing some of the evil consequences that ensued:

1. A wrong impression was created that Islam owed its existence to the sword.
2. The violations of the Qur'anic injunctions on the subject gave rise to the idea that Islam was a blood-thirsty religion which advocated the use of force.
3. In the clash with other religious systems and philosophies in foreign lands, this mutilated Islam of the still-raw Muslims was at a disadvantage, with the result that it became adulterated and lost its purity for ever.
4.The sense of injustice that was created in the minds of the conquered peoples on account of the invasion of their countries without reasonable cause, proved very harmful to Islam.
5.Islam claimed to be the teacher of the world, with a mission to raise humanity to a higher level; but the Muslims betrayed this claim by showing scanty regard for reasonableness, justice, and good neighbourly relations in their dealings with other nations.

6.The accumulation of immense riches, which they did not know how to utilise properly and beneficially, led to numerous vices. 

7.Imperialism and Capitalism were the direct resuit of these conquests.


I would like to ask the writer of this non factual based writing to tell me when the first battle after the prophet Muhammed PBUH took place and what were the reasons of the battle and then give me cross examination evidence from the life of the prophet to state if it were just or not. For those who know the history of Islam will know where to find the answers, Islam was spread through teaching and not war/battles, war was always a last option in any case so what I suggest is just study the era of Abu Bakar RTA in great detail, if you require help with book etc I will be more than willing to help you but next time try and prove someone wrong before the accusation and be careful who you accuse.

Here are the answers with evidence :

All the battles fought by Holy Prophet(s.a.w) were in self defense.And when he got the opportunity to take revenge from Meccan in 9 A.H.,he forgave them and avoided any bloodshed.
Unfortunately after Prophet Mohammad(s.a.w) this system of Jihad was not followed by Abu Bakr and Umar.
They used force to extract Zakat from the people and also killed them for not paying them.
They attacked the neighboring countries to expand the Muslim empire and killed thousand of innocent Non-Muslims who were not at war with them.This act of Abu Bakr and Umar were not in self defense. They were the first to attack and sent armies to far and remote lands to capture them.
All these things are recorded by muslim and non muslim historians.
So whatever we have written in the above post are all historial facts!!

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