• Misyar Marriage

    is carried out via the normal contractual procedure, with the specificity that the husband and wife give up several rights by their own free will...

  • Taraveeh a Biad'ah

    Nawafil prayers are not allowed with Jama'at except salatul-istisqa' (the salat for praying to Allah to send rain)..

  • Umar attacks Fatima (s.)

    Umar ordered Qunfuz to bring a whip and strike Janabe Zahra (s.a.) with it.

  • The lineage of Umar

    And we summarize the lineage of Omar Bin Al Khattab as follows:

  • Before accepting Islam

    Umar who had not accepted Islam by that time would beat her mercilessly until he was tired. He would then say

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Innovations(Bid'ah) of Umar in Islam!

 All Muslims should read this post seriously and decide whether Umar should be given due respect after all these Innovations and sins in Islam.He(Umar) was responsible for bringing about so many changes in Islam. When Holy Prophet(s.a.w) had not done certain things then who has authorized him to get all these changes in Islam.

1. Bidah of banning muta al nisa and hajj

2. Bidah of tathweeb in adhaan

3. Bidah of declaring triple pronouncement of talaq in one sitting as final talaq

4. Bidah of congregational tarawih prayer

5. Speaking against Tayamum and being unaware of its laws

6. Being away from mosque in time of prayers in the life of Prophet Mohammad (s) and engaging in worldly things.

7. Bidah of racism and tribalism in the name of Kufu and Quraishi Nobility system!

8. Banning narration and notation of Prophet Ahadith and persecution of Sahaba who did this.

9. Making the murtad Muawavia ibn Abu Sufyan (l.a), the father of Yazeed (l.a) as the governor of Syria.

10. Doing tahreef in Adhan by removing "hayya ala khayr el amal" which was part of adhan since 5 A.H in prophet's time.

11. Bidah in distribution of Islamic funds of bayt al maal under the non Islamic method of tribal favoritism.

12. Having the worst manners, harshest behavior and resorting to violence towards critics and people in general. This was a complaint which sahaba made to Abu bakr when he nominated Omar as his successor on death bed.
13. Casting doubts of severe nature on the prophet hood of Rasoolallah (S) at various occasions including the infamous incident of Al Hudaybia Treaty.

14. Refusing the Caliphate of Imam Ali a.s and his Wilayah as ordained by Prophet (s) on various occasions including the last sermon at Ghadeer Khumm

15. Calling the Prophet "insane" and invoking anger of prophet (s) on his deathbed when he demanded pen and paper to write wasiyyah.. angering prophet (s) so much that he had to shout at him and his colleagues to get out of his sight!

16. Announcing to burn the house of Prophet's daughter Fatima al Zahra a.s at the event of Saqeefah and declaring to her on her face that he does not care if that meant burning of herself and her kids Hassan and Hussain a.s. Fatally injuring the daughter of the Prophet (s) at Saqeefah by banging the door against her and piercing her lungs...resulting in her death from the wound ...within 6 months of this incident at the young age of 18. It is to be noted that Sayyeda al Zahra a.s refused to speak to both him and Abu Bakr till her death and willed that these two not be allowed on her funeral!

17. Assisting Abu Bakr in depriving the prophet's daughter (s) from her property of Fadak

18. Bidah of reducing 5 takbeers of salat al janaazah to 4

19. Bidah of adopting the title of Ameer al Momineen for himself when this was neither give to him by the Quran or the Holy Prophet (s) of Islam. On the contrary Imam Ali a.s who was given this title along with many others was deprived and not even consulted on day of saqeefah!

20. Bidah of allowing khula for woman (ie. divorced sought by woman) without presence of a legal authority! (see muwatta of malik)

21. Bidah in introducing a slavery system in which it was prohibited to keep Arabs as slaved and only non-Arabs could be made slaves

22. Fabrication of alleging the Quran to contain the verses of Rajam (stoning to death)

 References : 

To see the references for each and every Bidah and sins of Umar, Readers are advised to go through other posts on this site.

All these bidahs and sins and many other more (which are not being written for the sake of brevity) are very clearly and well referenced in the books of Hadith and History and Tafseer within the Ahl ul Sunnah wal Jama’h. 

Nevertheless, these and other shocking facts are enough to show that this man was not even near the dust of the feet of the honor, rank, grace and knowledge of the lofty position of Prophethood.

UMAR BIN AL KHATTAB: Worthy Of Prophethood?-Part IV

Now let us expose Suyyuti’s shocking and self-contradicting statements which he tried to disguise as truths in his book so that the reader will have the conclusive proof that our commentary on Suyyuti is not based on harboring any ill feelings towards him or his supporters:

As for his (Suyyuti’s) statement, “Verily Ibn Hibban talked of Zakariyyah in his book "Al Thiqaat" (*)”:

Then yes that is accepted but then he (Ibn Hibban) is from those who dont consider him worthy of being authentic because the criticisms against Zakariyyah are many from the greatest of the Sunni Ulama.

Ibn Adi said: Verily He (Zakariyyah) fabricated hadith

Saalih Jazrah said: Verily He (Zakariyyah) is from the Liars

Ibn Younus also declared the same and called him Daeef even after complimenting him!

(*) We need to clarify one thing that when Ibn Hibban mentioned Zakariyyah in his "Al Thiqaat", he said in his entry/interpretation:

"He Faulters and Transgresses/dissents (from truth) and gave the evidence / attestation (with regards to him) that: Faulters in the Hadith of Musa (a.s)...."

So how can he (ibn hibban) consider him (zakariyyah) correct (in hadith) when he bears witness to the opposite in his very own words!

And Al Dhahabi said in "Al Meezan" that:

«زكريّا بن يحيى المصري، أبو يحيى الوقار [ عن ابن وهب فمن بعده ; قال ابن عدي: يضع الحديث، كذّبه صالح جزره، قال صلح: حدثنا زكريا الوقار ]. وكان من الكذّابين الكبار ; وقال ابن يونس: كان فقيهاً صاحب حلقة، عاش ثمانين سنة، وقيل: كان من الصلحاء العباد الفقهاء، نزح عن مصر أيّام محنة القرآن إلى طرابلس المغرب ; ضعّفه ابن يونس وغيره»

"Zakariyyah bin Yahyah al Misri, Abu Yahya al Waqaar [from Ibn Wahab and so after him: Ibn Adi said: Forged Hadith, Saalih al Jazri declared him Liar. Saalih said: Narrated to us Zakariyyah al Waqaar.] and He was from the greatest of Liars! And Ibn Younus said: He was a Faqeeh, a Fake Man, Lived for 80 years and (there is) a saying: (He is) from the Good Fuqaha (Jurists), migrated from Egypt to Tripoli in the west in the days of disaster/affliction (for quran); Ibn Younus and others all declared him Daeef (Weak).

Sunni References:
1- Al Dhahabi in Meezan al Eitadal Vol.3, P.113, Entry no.2795
2- Ibn Adi in Al Kaamil Fi Du'afa al Rijaal Vol.4, P.174, Entry no.713

 And as for his (Suyuti's) approval / authentication of Abi Qatadah: 

It should be enough to know that he (Abi Qatadah) is noted as a most untrustworthy, abandoned, weak and unrelied upon person by the greatest of the Sunni Imams of Hadith and ilm al Rijaal:

البخاري قال: إنّهم سكتوا عنه، وقال أيضاً: تركوه، وقال أبو زرعة والدارقطني: ضعيف، وقال يعقوب بن إسماعيل: إنّه يكذب، وقال أبو حاتم: ذهب حديثه، وقال الجوزجاني: إنّه
متروك، وقال ابن حبّان: إنّه لا يجوز الاحتجاج بخبره، ولم يخرّج أصحاب الصحاح كافة له شيئاً

“And the best of them, Al Bukhari said: reduce/subside from him

and Al Bukhari also said: Abandon/drop/leave him.

Al Zara3a and Al Darulqutni said: Daeef (Weak) !

And Yaqoob bin Ismaeel said: Verily He Lied!

And Abu Haatim said: Leave his Hadith!

And Al Jowzjaani said: Verily he is Matrook (Abandoned)

And Ibn Hibban said: Verily it is not permitted to represent (any religious argument) on basis of his reports, and the authors of the Al-Sihah never took anything at all from him!”

Sunni References:
1- Al Tareekh al Kabeer by al Bukhari Vol.5, P.219 Entry no.713
2- Al Du'afa by Al Bukhari P.71 Entry no.198
3- Al Du'afa wal Matrookoon  by Al Daralqutni P.259
4- Al Jarah wal Ta'deel by Ibn Abi Al Haatim Vol.5 P.191
5- Ahwaal al Rijaal by Al Jowzjaani P.180 Entry no.325
6- Al Majrooheen by Ibn Hibban Vol.2 P.29

 And as for his (Suyyuti's) authentication of Abu Qatada by Ibn Ma3een for this cursed liar:

Then no one with a sober mind and firm intellect can reach this opinion. Because He (Ibn Ma3een) said once already with victorious firmness / finality and sureness / certainty:

إنّه ليس بشيء

"Verily he is Nothing"

And (then) he replied phrases of criticism with the criticizers and with that he said at another place:

إنّه ليس به بأس كثير الغلط

"Verily with him is nothing good, (he is) abundant / plentiful in mistakes"

Sunni References:
1- Tahzeeb al Tahzeeb by Ibn Hajar al Asqallani Vol3. P.277 Entry no.4276
2- Tareekh Yahya bin Ma3een Vol.2 P.295 Entry no.4898 and P.345 Entry no. 5234
3- Al Jaamia fil ilal by Ahmed ibn Hanbal, Vol.1 p.222 entry no.1450 and in it Ahmed ibn Hanbal says, My father said: I reckon Aba Qataada used to do Tadlees (i.e manipulating chains of narrations by hiding names of weak narrators in them.. in order to make the narrations look authentic!) and God knows best.
5- Al Duafa wal Matrookeen by Ibn al Jawzi Vol.2, P.145 Entry no.2136

As for Suyyuti's fictitious words that "besides" Ahmad bin Hanbal and Yahya, Suyyuti "others" authenticate Ibn Waqid as well; this is merely a plain lie and empty plea of a biased person who is unable to digest defeatist, because all the known books of ilm al rijaal have already very clearly explained the opposite in detail.

Here again, I present, the words of Al Dhahabi on this person from his infamous Meezan al Eitadal:

«عبد الله بن واقد، أبو قتادة الحراني، مات سنة عشر ومائتين ; قال البخاري: سكتوا عنه، وقال أيضاً: تركوه ; وقال أبو زرعة والدارقطني: ضعيف ; وقال أبو حاتم: ذهب حديثه ; وروى عبد الله بن أحمد، عن ابن معين: ليس بشيء، وروى الدولابي، عن عباس، عن يحيى: ليس بشيء، وقال أيضاً: ليس به بأس، كثير الغلط.

وقال الجوزجاني: متروك

وقال ابن حبّان: كان أبو قتادة من عباد الجزيرة فغفل عن الاتقان، فوقعت المناكير في أخباره، فلا يجوز أن يحتج بخبره

"Abdullah bin Waqid, Abu Qatada al Harrani, died in the year 210 A.H;

Bukhari said: reduce/subside from him; and also he said: Abandon/drop/leave him.

Al Zara3a and Al Darulqutni said: Daeef (Weak) !

And Abu Haatim said: Leave his Hadith!

And Abdullah bin Ahmed narrated from Ibn Ma3een: He is Nothing

And Al Dowlaabi narrated from Abbas who reported from Yahya: He is Nothing

And he also said: With him is nothing good, Abundantly/Plentifully Wrong

And Al Jowzjaani said: Matrook (Abandoned)

And Ibn Hibban said: Abu Qatada was from the men of al Jazeerah, he overlooked (was forgetful) about perfection/accuracy and in his reports fall in the category of the disowned/rejected ones so it is Not permissible to justify arguments using them.”

Then Al Dhahabi narrates a number of traditions narrated by Abu Qatadah including one which is narrated from Thawri who narrates from Hisham from his father from Aisha...and then declares at the end that:

حدّثناه محمّد بن العباس الدمشقي بجرجان، ثنا عبد الله بن ثابت بن حسان الهاشمي الحراني، ثنا أبو قتادة ; قلت: هذا حديث موضوع مهتوك الحال ما أعتقد أنّ أبا قتادة رآه.

"This hadith is a forged one, degraded/disgraceful in nature because Abu Qatadah narrated it"

ثمّ وجدت له اسناد آخر عنه رواه الطبراني: عن عبد الله بن سعيد البرقي، عن أحمد بن أبي شيبة الرهاوي، عن أبي قتادة فهو الافة.

And al-Dhahabi says: This (hadith) has also reached me through another chain of narration from him (Abu Qatada) through Al-Tabarani on authority of abdullah bin saeed al barqi from Ahmed bin Abi Sheebah al Rahaawi from Abu Qatadah who is an Aafat!!

أبو خيثمة مصعب بن سعيد، ثنا عبد الله بن واقد، ثنا حيوة بن شريح، عن بكر بن عمرو، عن مشرح، عن عقبة بن عامر، قال رسول الله (صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم): (لو لم اُبعث فيكم لبعث فيكم عمر) ولم يخرجوا لابي قتادة شيئاً

Abu Khuzayma Mus3ab bin Saeed
(the author of Sahih al Khuzayma) says that: I heard Abdullah bin Waqid, who heard Haywah bin Shareeh on authority of Bakar bin Umro on authority of Mashrah on authority of Aamir who said the Prophet of Allah (s) said: If I had not been commissioned amongst you as an apostle/prophet, Umar would have been-  and (Al-Dhahabi adds) NEVER TAKE FROM ABU QATADA ANYTHING!"

Sunni Reference: Meezan al Eitadal by Al-Dhahabi Vol.4, P.219 Entry no.4676

What an exquisite moment this is. Surely truth is manifest openly for any truth seeker to witness here. Both Ibn Ma3een and Al-Dhahabi have flatly rejected Abu Qatada and refused to accept him as anything besides calling his hadiths “forged”.

Suyyuti quoted Yahya bin Ma3een and others for authenticating this Liar (Abu Qatada) and We have now clearly read the detailed analysis of al Dhahabi with the verdicts of scholars before him (including Yahya ibn Ma3een) and then finally Dhahabi himself; where not a single word has he written to honor him with any authenticity. Now the reader can himself see how truthful Suyyuti has been in quoting those "and others" who have allegedly "authenticated" Abu Qatada while his own master Dhahabi disagrees with him vehemently and openly accuses Abu Qatada of manufacturing and forging false Hadiths in the name of the Holy Prophet (s).

Suyyuti did not even realise that he tried to distort the facts on authority of a book / author which is very well known. We are however certain that he knew all these facts but deliberately hid them from the eyes of the ordinary people and made the lies to promote this fabricator as perfect in order to please his political masters.

The double standards of Suyyuti can also be fathomed from the fact that the very same hadith (which tabarani took from aisha as mentioned by al dhahabi above) is also mentioned in the same fashion by Suyyuti in his book "Al-la'laai al Masnoo3a" with the same addition (on authority of al-dhahabi) in the end that this Hadith is reached through Abu Qatada who  is an Aafat (wrong/harmful) !!
The respected reader may check this below as extracted from Suyyuti’s book in question where he clearly says that his Imam Al Dhahabi has declared this Hadith as a forged and disgraceful and that he has said its also mentioned by al Tabarani and contains the narrator Abu Qatada who is an Aafat (wrong/harmful)!!:

حيث قال في اللالئ المصنوعة، في مناقب أهل البيت (عليهم السلام) عند ذكر هذا الحديث:

«ابن حبّان، أنبأ محمّد بن العبّاس الدمشقي، ثنا عبد الله بن ثابت بن حسان الهاشمي، ثنا عبد الله بن واقد أبو قتادة الحراني، عن سفيان الثوري، عن هشام بن عروة، عن أبيه، عن عائشة: (إنّ النبيّ (صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم) كان كثيراً ما يقبل نحر فاطمة (عليها السلام)، فقلت: يا رسول الله أراك تفعل شيئاً لم تفعله قال: أو ما علمت يا حميراء أنّ الله عزّ وجلّ لمّا أسرى بي إلى السماء أمر جبرئيل فأدخلني الجنّة، ووقفني على شجرة ما رأيت أطيب منها رائحة، ولا أطيب ثمراً، فأقبل جبرئيل يفرك ويطعمني، فخلق الله في صلبي منها نطفة، فلمّا صرت إلى الدنيا واقعت خديجة، فحملت بفاطمة كلّما اشتقت إلى رائحة تلك الشجرة شممت نحر فاطمة، فوجدت رائحة تلك الشجرة منها، وإنّها ليست من نساء أهل الدنيا، ولا تعتال كما تعتلّ أهل الدنيا) عبد الله بن واقد متروك، قلت: قال الذّهبي في الميزان: هذا الحديث موضوع مهتوك الحال، ما أعتقد أنّ أبا قتادة رواه، قال: ثمّ وجدت له إسناداً آخر عنه رواه الطبراني: عن عبد الله بن سعيد الرقي، عن أحمد بن أبي شيبة، عن أبي قتادة، فهو الافة، والله أعلم»).

Sunni Reference: Al-la'laai al Masnoo3a by Jalalul Din Suyyuti Vol.1, p.360

After reading such blatant contradictions of Suyyuti, I can only say, May Allah protect us from such combination of Asabiyyah (sectarian prejudice) and Ghulu (extremism in promoting some personality). His advances to protect the greatest liars and manufacturers of Hadiths have been defaced from the very authorities he himself considers authentic and masters and imams in hadith and ilm al jerah wal ta3deel.

Monday, June 25, 2012

UMAR BIN AL KHATTAB: Worthy Of Prophethood?-Part III

The Prophet (s) said to Imam Ali a.s:
You are to me on the same rank as Haroon a.s was to Musa a.s except that there would be no prophet after me)

 أنت منّي بمنزلة هارون من موسى إلاّ أنّه لا نبيّ بعدي
This Hadith has been recorded by the Eminent Sunni Scholar Hafiz Sulaiman al Qundoozi al Hanafi in his Yanabi al Mawadah, through 15 different chains of narrations / paths. And this Hadith is from the path of the Ahlul Sunnah and attested to be accurate by a majority of their muhadiths/scholars.

It is in the Sharh (exegesis) of this Sahih Hadith in honor of Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib a.s that Mullah Ali Qari al Hanafi wrote in his "Mirqaat Sharh al Mishqaat" that:

فيه إيماء الى أنه لو كان بعده نبيّاً لكان عليّاً

"In this hadith is the gesture towards that if there was to be a Prophet (s) after Prophet Mohammad (s) it would have been Ali a.s"

Sunni Reference: Mullah Ali Qari al Hanafi in "Mirqaat al Mafateeh" Vol.10, P.456 Entry no. 6087

Likewise Mir Seyyed Ali Hamadani Faqih al-Shafi'i says in the second of the six Mawadda in his book Mawaddatu'l-Qurba, quoting a narration from Anas Bin Malik, that the Prophet said:

عن أنس (رضي الله عنه) قال: قال رسول الله (صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم): إنّ الله إصطفاني على الانبياء، وإختار لي وصيّاً وخيرت ابن عمّي وصيّ، وشدّ به عضدي كما شد عضد موسى بأخيه هارون، وخليفتي ووزيري، ولو كان بعدي النبوّة لكان نبيّاً

"Verily, Allah made me superior to all the prophets, chose me for excellence, and made for me a successor, my cousin, Ali. Through him, He strengthened my shoulders, just as the shoulders of Moses were strengthened by Aaron. He, (Ali) is my vicegerent / caliph (khaleefati) and assistant (wazeeri). If there were any prophet after me, it would have been Ali, but there will be no prophet after me."

Sunni References:
- Muwaddat al Quraba by Shahaab al Din Al Hamadaani in the Sixth Muwaddah
- Yanaabee al Mawaddah by Sunni Scholar Hafiz Sulaiman Qundoozi al Hanafi mentions a variant with same meaning in Vol.2, p. 288, Entry no. 823

After the authenticity and tawatur of the Hadith of Manzilah is clear from so many of the references indicated above (and many others), let us see another Hadith narrated by the Nawaasib to promote Umar to rank of Nubuwah. This is in Kanz ul Ummal as narrated by Al Daylami on authority of Abu Huraira and Abu Bakr:

لو لم اُبعث فيكم لبعث عمر، أيّد الله عزّ وجلّ عمر بملكين يوفقانه ويسددانه، فإذا أخطأ صرفاه حتى يكون صواباً

The Prophet (s) said:

If I had not been commissioned for Prophethood amongst you then Umar would have been, Allah helps Umar with the angels who always reconcile with him and redeem him, So If he (Umar) sins/faulters He (Allah) purifies/reasons it (the fault/sin) till it becomes right/correct!!

Sunni References:
- Kanz ul Ummal Vol.11, P.581 Entry no. 32761
- Musnad al Firdows by al Daylami Vol.3, P.93
- Firdows al Akhbar by al Daylami Vol.3, P.417 Entry no 5167

Astaghfirullah I have no comments to pass on such a blasphemous lie where not only the angels but even Allah has been tried to show as an unjust God who for the sake of pleasing Umar would convert all his sins into righteousness!!! ! (Naooodoobillahi min Zaalik). May God protect us from the forgeries of such shameless Nawaasib who are outside the pale of Deen of Allah and who have no respect for the Prophet (s) and Angels either!

Ibn al Jawzi pursued the veracity/rightness of the track (path) / isnaad of this tradition and its types and disgraced the stubborn/perverse people and cried out highly in shock and disappointment due to the falsehood of this Hadith and disgraced it as gruesome as he said explicitly in his book "Al Mawdoo'aat" (the forged hadiths attributed to Prophet) in the section of "Al Ahaadith al Mawdoo3a fi Fadaail al Umar" (The Forged Hadiths of Fadaail/Merits of Umar):

الحديث الثاني: أنبأنا إسماعيل بن أحمد، قال: أنا إسماعيل بن مسعدة، قال: أنا حمزة، قال: أنا ابن عدي، قال: ثنا عليّ بن الحسين بن قديد، قال: ثنا زكريا بن يحيى الوقار، قال: ثنا بشر بن بكر، عن أبي بكر بن عبد الله بن أبي مريم، عن ضمرة بن حبيب، عن غضيف بن الحارث، عن بلال بن رباح، قال: قال رسول الله (صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم): (لو لم اُبعث فيكم لبعث عمر

"The Second Hadith:

Ismaeel bin Ahmad told us that Ismaeel bin Masa3da said that Hamza said that Ibn Adi said that Ali bin al Hussain bin Qadeed complimented and said that Zakariyyah bin Yahya al Waqqaar complimented and said Bashar bin Bakar said on authority of Abi bakr bin Abdullah bin Abi Mariyam who narrated from Damra bin Habeeb who narrated from Ghadeef bin al Haarith who narrated from Bilal bin Rabaah who said that the Prophet (s) said: If I had not been commissioned for prophethood amongst you, then Umar would have been

قال ابن عدي: ثنا عمر بن الحسن بن نصر الحلبي، ثنا مصعب بن مسعد بن سعد أبو خيثمة، قال: ثنا عبد الله بن واقد، قال: حدّثنا حيوة بن شريح، عن بكر ابن عمر، وعن مشرح بن [ هاعان ]، عن عقبة بن عامر، قال: قال رسول الله (صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم): لو لم اُبعث فيكم لبعث عمر

Ibn Adi said: Umar bin Al Hassan bin Nasr al Halabi said that Mus3ab bin Masa3d bin Sa3d Abu Khaythama said Abdullah bin Waqid said that Hayvah bin Shareef narrated to us from Bakar bin Umar and from Mashrah bin Ha3aan from Aqbah bin Aamir that he said that Prophet (s) said: If I had not been commissioned for prophethood amongst you, Umar would have been.

The author (ibn al jawzi) after mentioning these hadiths says:

هذان حديثان لا يصحّان عن رسول الله (صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم)، أمّا الاوّل: فإنّ زكريّاً بن يحيى كان من الكذّابين الكبار، قال ابن عدي: كان يضع الحديث ; وأمّا الثاني: فقال أحمد ويحيى: وعبد الله بن واقد، ليس شيء، وقال النسائي متروك الحديث ; وقال ابن حبّان: إنقلبت على مشرح صحائفه، فبطل الاحتجاج به

Both these Ahaadith are not Sahih from Rasool Allah (s). As for the first one, Zakariyah bin Yahya in the Sanad (chain of narration) is from one of the biggest liars (min al kazzaabeen al kubbaar). Ibn Adi said he forged Hadiths. 

And as for the second narration, Ahmed and Yahya said: Abdullah bin Waqid is NOTHING. And Imam al Nisaai said about him: Matrook al Hadith (rejected one in Hadith) and Ibn Hibban said: Mashrah's Sahaaif (books) have overthrown/toppled/ tossed/capsized him (i.e his reputation), thus outcries / protestations using him (and his material) are invalid / false!!

Sunni References:
- Al Mawdoo3aat by ibn Jawzi , Vol.1, p.238
- Al Kaamil fil Duafa al Rijaal by Ibn Adi, Vol.4, P.174 Entry no 713
- and in Vol.2, P.145 of Al Duafa wal Majrooheen, ibn al Jawzi says under entry no.2136: He forged Hadith and conveyed it
- Al Duafa wal Matrookeen by Imam al Nisai, p.150, Entry no. 354
- Al Duafa wal Matrookoon by al Daruqutni, P.259, Entry no. 312
- Al Majrooheen by Ibn Hibban Vol.3, p.28
- Al Thiqaat by Ibn Hibban Vol.5, P.452

The reader might be wondering how deceptive and unjust some sunni scholars have been in promoting their political caliphs to the level of Prophet (s). However this shock is nothing when we read the real shocker which Ahl ul Sunnah has fabricated in the name of Prophet (s) for the nobility of Abu Bakr. When we will disclose this absolutely filthy and vulgar tradition attributed to the Holy Prophet of Islam (s) by the Ahl ul Sunnah, surely it will even bring the people of Jahaliyyah to shame!

They allege that, naoodoobillah, the Holy Prophet (s) of Islam (may god protect him from liars) said about Abu Bakr:

لابي بكر: لو كان فيهما الهة لكان فلان

"If there had been a God within them it would have been so-and-so (pointing towards Abu Bakr"

This tradition is mentioned by their famous scholar Shah Abdul Haqq Mohadiss Dehlvi, who was claims to be on sufi path, and is known like his forefathers, for his extreme / excessive Taa'sub/sectarianism against Shia.

Sunni Reference: Tohfa Ithna Ashariyyah by Shah Abdul Haq Mohaddis Dehlvi, Chapter no.10, P.542, "Mata'ain e Abu Bakr" section

The persian text of Shah Waliullah which mentions this blasphemy in honor of Abu Bakr is as follows!!!:

«همچنين است حديث (لو كان بعدي نبيّ لكان عمر) كه به عبارات مختلفة مروى است، چه حسبة الله انصاف بايد كرد كه جناب مخبر صادق به حق شخص كه عمرها بت پرستى كرده باشد چگونه ارشاد مى فرموده اند كه بعد از من نبىّ مى بود محمّد مى بود، ويا وجود سخافت وركاكت مضمون اين جمله كه حديثش نتوان گفت مبطل ترتيب مقرر اين طائفه مى شود، مگر اينكه در شأن أبو بكر روايت سازند (لو كان فيها آلهة لكان فلان)».

تحفة اثنا عشرية للدهلوي: الباب العاشر، مطاعن أبو بكر: 542

When the mind of Famous Sunni Scholar Jalaluddin Suyyuti (who is reknowned for his usual sectarian/muta'asib/hateful attitude against shia) was overtaken by his Taa'sub / sectarianism (as usual) he set out in pursuit of this absolutely weak and fake tradition (and its variants), and tried to cloak/disguise it in a most awefully outrageous manner. So he came out with reasoning which was absolutely weird and plunged into wrecked and condemnable sentiments/whims/fantasies as you can see in his own words below:

Ibn Adi heard from Ali bin Hussain bin Qadeed who heard from Zakariyyah bin Yahya who heard from Bashar bin Bakar who heard from Abi Bakr bin Abdullah bin Abi Mariyam al Fussani who heard from Damrah who heard from Ghadeef bin al Haarith who heard from Bilah bin Rabaah Maroo'an (i.e from Prophet of Islam): If I had not been commissioned as an Apostle amongst you, Umar would have been

and he said:

Narrated to us Umar ibn Al Hassan bini Nasar al Halabi, and narrated to him Mus3ab bin Sa3d Abu Husaymah and narrated to him Abdullah bin Waaqid and narrated to him Hayvah bin Shareeh from Bakr bin Umro from Mashrah bin Haa'3aan from Aqbah bin Aamir from Prophet (s) that: If I had not been commissioned as an Apostle amongst you, Umar would have been

Suyyuti writes that:

لا يصحّ زكريّا كذّاب يضع، وابن واقد متروك، ومشرح لا يحتج به.

These are not correct/sahih traditions because Zakariyah is a Liar and manufactures fake hadiths and Ibn Waqid is Matrook (abandoned / rejected /disowned) and as for Mashrah he is not reliable/ represent able.

However even after nullifying the authenticity of this hadith himself, he contradicts his very own self and continues with his typical excessively sectarian explanations which are nothing but sugar coated lies:

I (Suyyuti) say that:

“Zakariyyah has been mentioned by Ibn Hibban in his book "Al Thiqqat" and as for Ibn Waqid, he is Abu Qatada al Harrani, called trustworthy by Ibn Ma3een, Ahmed and others. And Mashrah is Authentic/Truthful.

Abu'l Abbas al Zozzani said in his book "Shajrah al Aql": I heard Ali bin Hussain with fineness who heard Abu Abdullah Mohammad bin Utbah well known known as Al-Ramalli, who heard from Hussain bin Fadal al Waasti, who heard from Abdullah bin Waqid from Safwaan bin Umro from Raashid bin Sa3d, from Abdullah bin Jubayr al Hadrami who said that the Prophet (s) said to Umar: If I had not been commissioned for Prophethood, you would have been.

And also it has been narrated from Hadith of Abu Bakr and Abu Huraira. So Al Daylami said:

Reported From my father, From Abdul Malik bin Abdul Ghaffaar, from Abdullah bin Eesa bin Haroon from Eesa bin Marwan, who heard from Al Hussain bin Abdul Rahman from Hamran who heard Ishaaq bin Najeeh from Ata'a bin Maysarah al Khurasani, from Abu Huraira who reported the Prophet (s) said:

If I had not been commissioned for Prophethood amongst you then Umar would have been, Allah helps Umar with the angels who always reconcile with him and redeem him, So If he (Umar) sins/faults He (Allah) purifies/reasons it (the fault/sin) till it becomes right/correct!!

Al Daylami said: Same is also narrated by Raashid bin Sa3d from Maqdaam bin Ma3di Karb from Abi Bakr Siddiq. And Allah knows best”

Sunni References:
- Al-la'laai al Masnoo3a by Jalaluddin Suyyuti, Vol.1, p.276
- Musnad al Firdows by Al-Daylami, Vol.3, P.93

It is clear from this path taken by Suyyuti and in light of information on some of the narrators discussed earlier that Suyyuti's self-contradicting statements are nothing but a bitter sectarian outburst of his political alliances / affiliations towards anything (even if its falsehood) to save the pride of Ahlulsunnah icons but sadly on the other hand such irresponsible attitude makes the lying / treacherous and obscene people (i.e narrators) appear as the victorious ones! Certainly it is this attitude which is an open license for the Nawaasib and other ill characters to freely lie on the authority of Prophet (s) and appear as the successful group! What a shame! May Allah protect us from such Liars, fabricators and the fitna/ta3sub of their aiders/promoters!

.............................................................................................to be continued( Read Part IV)

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

UMAR BIN AL KHATTAB: Worthy Of Prophethood?-Part II

 The (weak) tradition under discussion is :
“The Prophet of Allah (s) said about Umar bin al Khattaab: If there had been after me, a Nabi (Prophet), it would have been him (i.e Umar)”

.......continued from Part I 

5- Umar was terribly scared and worried about his eeman and he used to ask huzaifa al yamaani many times whether he was from the munafiqeen (ahya uloom al deen az ghazaali). His fear from Azab of Hereafter on his death bed is clear from the fact that he was lamenting on his life record! and wishing if he could give anything in ransom to save himself from this Azaab!!!!

The people around him praised him for his virtues and sterling qualities. He asked them not to praise him.  He said: 

"All praise is to Allah. If all the treasures of this world were to be at my disposal, I would offer them as a  ransom to be saved from the trial at the Day of Judgment." 

He then recited the Arabic verse: 

"I have been unjust to my soul,
Except that I am a Muslim,
Say my prayers and fast."

6- Even ordinary women knew Fiqh more then Umar and would silence him on Islamic laws and issues at occasions.

7- Umar declared that All people knew fiqh more than him

8- According to Islam prophets are born muslims (see examples of Prophet Adam, Mohammad, Jesus, Issac, Ishmael, all prophets of bani israel, etc) and never have been on path of Kufr. Umar was not only a born Kafir but also a Zanim child (born from adultery). Thereafter for well around / or more then 35 years of his life Umar lived as a Kafir Mushrik, plotting at various times to kill the Holy Prophet of Islam, burying his daughters alive in Jahaliyyah. All these and other sick facts certainly prove that a person like Umar has none of the attributes of even a sane man let alone a possible Prophet of Allah.

9- Umar was a wife beater and famous for divorcing and marrying women a lot. The prophets are kind to their wives and so are their true followers and do not bury daughters and divorce women like flock of sheep. Umar also raped a woman after the death of Prophet of Islam, as is mentioned in Tabaqat ibn Sa'ad.

10- Umar was never known for any nobility, Hikmah, good manners or knowledge or truthfulness before conversion to Islam. The prophets are known for this even before they declare their risalah to People. On the contrary Omar was a street wrestler who accepted Islam because a fortune teller told him he would become ruler if he took this religion (See Izalah al Khafa by shah waliullah dehlvi)

11- Umar's ancestors were Kafir Mushrik as well. Such is not the case with ancestors of Prophets of Allah. The Quran declares that prophets are born through "Arhaam al Taahira" (pure wombs). Umar's mother/grandmother Sahhak was a well known prostitute from Africa and incest was a practice in his family as can be seen in various sunni books.

12- In not even a single Sahih narration did Umar or his sons never claimed this tradition in their honor or about Umar in any chain of narration! This is a complete fabrication of Nasibi devils from progeny and friends of Banu Omayyah!

13- The Prophets are teachers of martyrs and they bring scriptures which teach that those who run away from the field of Jihad are going to burn in Hell. The prophets are so particular about even their small deeds that if they even forgo a nonobligatory deed/act of worship, they consider it like sin for themselves. Omar on the other hand is the man who left the prophet (s) alone and ran for worldly wealth (maal al ghaneemah) on day of judgement. He is the same person who turned back from the battle of khyber from fear of jews. And Also it is the same Umar who abandoned the muslims and their Prophet (s) on the battlefield of Ghazwa al Hunain. Allah has announced Hell for those people who leave the battlefield of Jihad under any pretext. They must either achieve victory or martyrdom as taught in Holy Quran.

14- Prophets are Masoom by Ijma of Ummah. Umar was far from that. He never claimed this nor can his followers claim such a nobility for him. There is an ijma of the Ummah on this.

This Hadith is neither True Aqlan (from point of view of wisdom) nor Naqlan (from point of view of narration) as we will see shortly, so one wonders how can the Nawaasib conclude that it is a merit/or in honor of Umar bin al Khattab????!!

Technical Critique of Traditions with this Content
(Al Jerah al Ahaadith)

Analyzing the 1st Source of Hadith: Al Jaamia al Kabeer by Al Tirmidhi

Tirmidhi narrates this Hadith as Hasan in his "Al Jaamiah al Kabeer" but declares it as Ghareeb (strange) and says that it has been narrated only through ONE person which is "Mashrah bin Aahaan" (in another narration the correct name as recognized by muhadiths is Mashrah bin Haa'aan) who narrated this fairy tale on authority of Aqbah bin Aamir:

حدثنا سلمة بن شبيب، قال: ثنا المقري، عن حيوة بن شريح، عن بكر ابن عمرو، عن مشرح بن عاهان، عن عقبة بن عامر، قال: قال رسول الله (صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم): (لو كان نبيّ بعدي، لكان عمر بن الخطاب). هذا حديث [ حسنٌ ] غريب، لا نعرفه إلاّ من حديث مشرح بن عاهان

Sunni Reference: Al Jaamia al Kabeer by Al-Tirmidhi Vol.6, P.59, Tradition No.3686

We see above that, Tirmidhi testifies that this Hadith is "Ghareeb" (Strange) but what is stranger is that in his Jamia al Kabeer he alleges it to be Sahih!!! (correct).

Furthermore he clarifies that this hadith is “NOT known to US” by any other source except through Mashrah bin Aahaan [Haa'aan] who has been declared DAEEF (weak) by Ibn Hibban.

Ibn Hibban is from the greatest of their (sunni) muhaddiths, shuyookhs (teachers) and from the very high ranked ones and symbolic ones from them as declared by their famous scholar Imam Dhahabi in his work "Al Mughni":

Sunni Reference: Al Mughni by Imam al-Dhahabi, Vol.2, P.408, Entry no.6257

* Ibn Hibban said about Mashrah bin Aaahan [Haa'aan] that:

He (Mashrah) narrated from Aqbah bin Aamir Ahaadith which were "Manaakeer" (Absolute Falsehoods) which are not to be relied upon. And from him (Mashrah) narrated Ibn Habeerah and the People of Misr (Egypt) and the right thing to do on his matter is to abandon and exclude him (Mashrah) from that which comes in narrations!”

Sunni Reference: Al Majrooheen by Ibn Hibban, Vol3. p.28

And He (Ibn Hibban) said at another place about him (Mashrah):

“(He is) From the residents of Egypt. Narrated on authority of Aqbah bin Aamir and narrated from him the residents of Egypt. Faultered / Committed Mistakes-Errors and Transgressed / Dissented/Deviated!!”

Sunni References: 
- Kitaab al Thiqaat by Ibn Hibban, Vol.5, P.452

And Ibn al Jawzi writes in his book "Al Mawdoo'aat" (The Forged Ahaadith) under the following Hadith:

(The Prophet (s) said: "If I had not been dispatched/commissioned (for prophethood) amongst you, then Umar would have been")

that Ibn Hibban said:

Mashrah's Sahaaif (books) have overthrown/ toppled/tossed /capsized him (i.e his reputation), thus outcries / arguments using him (and his material) are invalid / false!!

Sunni Reference: Al Mawdoo'aat by Ibn Al Jawzi Vol.1, P.238

And Al Aqeeli, the infamous Sunni scholar in ilm al hadith wal rijaal writes that:

"Al Hassan ibn Ali narrated that Moosa ibn Dawood narrated that it has reached to me that Verily Mashrah is from one of those who went to Makkah with Hajjaaj bin Yousuf and installed the Manjaneeq / Catapult (to attack) on Kaaba!!"

Sunni References:
- Al Dua'afaa al Kabeer by Aqeeli Vol.4, P.222 Entry No.1813
- Meezan al Ei3tadaal by Imam Dhahabi Vo.6, P.432 Entry No.8555

In the chain of narration of this Hadith by Tirmidhi there is another character called "Bakr bin Umar al Ma'aarafi" who is called trustworthy by most from them (i.e ahl al sunnah) but the famous and classical Sunni Muhaddith Imam Al Haakim Neeshapuri said:

Verily if one looked (critically/carefully) into his matter, then there is suspicion in his truthfulness!!

Imam al Dhahabi also stated the same in his book "Al Maqdooheen".

He (Imam Dhahabi) writes in his Meezaan al Eitadal:

Bakr bin Umar al Maa3arafi, was an Egyptian Imam of the Jamia al Fustaat who narrated from Mashrah bin Aaahaan and Bakr bin Al Ashaj and his party. And from him narrated Haywa bin Shareeh and Ibn Lahee3a and others and he was a person of merit and his place was of Truthfulness and the Shaykhaan (Imam Bukhari and Imam Muslim) objected / opposed him / his merits and He died in his Youth....Abu Haatim al Raazi said about him: Sheikh and al-Daruqutni said about him: relied upon and Abu Abdullah al Haakim said: Look (critically/carefully) into his matter.

Ibn Hajar al Asqallani said about him:

I say and so did Ibn al Qattaan that: We cant profess / recognize his Adaalah (Righteousness)*

Sunni References:
- Imam Dhahabi in Meezan al Eitadaal Vol.2, p.63 Entry no. 1292
- Sooaalat al Haakim lil Daruqutni P.89
- Ibn Hajar al Asqallani in Tahzeeb al Tahzeeb Vol.1, P.364, Entry no 894
- See page no. 288 of same of above reference by ibn Hajar

Analyzing the 2nd Source of Hadith: Al Mo3jam al Kabeer by Imam Al Tabarani

The Sunni Muhaddith Imam Al Tabarani also narrated this Hadith with another Isnaad in his Al Mo3jam al Kabeer and if it has any origin (asal) then it seems to be disguised upon the tradition of al Tirmidhi and just as with that tradition this tradition is also Daeef (weak) as declared in Sharh al Jamia al Sagheer which is entitled as "Fayd al Qadeer" by eminent Sunni Scholar Al-Manaawi:

The tradition narrated by Al-Tabarani:

"If there had been a Nabi after me it would have been Umar bini Al Khattaab"

is taken from Aqbah bin Aamir, who got it from from Asma bin Malik.

Al Haythami said:

"And in it's sanad is Al Fadal bin Mukhtaar (*) and he is Daeef (weak) and as for the news from al Daylami from Abu Hurayra: (If I had not been commissioned for Prophethood, Umar would have been) , it is Munkir (Falsehood/Disowned)

Sunni References:
- Fayd al Qadeer by al Manaawi Vol.5, p.414 Entry no. 7470
- Majma3 al Zawaaid by al Haythami Vol.9, p.67 Entry no. 14433
- Musnad al Firdows by al Daylami Vol.3, P.93
- Firdows al Akhbar by Al daylami Vol.3, P.417 Entry no. 5167

(*)  and majority of the ahl ul sunnah muhadiths/scholars have called "al-Fadl" Daeef as well.

Eminent Sunni Scholar Ibn Adi after reporting that several of his Ahaadith are Munkirah (Falsehood/disowned) says:

"And on the whole from them none is to be relied upon either in Isnaad (chains of narrations) or in Matn (content of hadith)"

Sunni Reference: Al Kaamil fil Dua'afa al Rijaal by Ibn Adi Vol.7, p121 Entry no.1561
Also, the famous Sunni Scholar Abu Haatim said about him:

"Majhool (unknown / uncharted / unheard of) and his Ahaadiths are Munikrah (Falsehood/disowned) and he narrates worthless / baatil things"

Sunni References:
- Al Jerah wal Ta3deel by Abu Haatim Vol.7 p.69
- Meezan al Eitadaal by Imam Dhahabi Vol.5, P.435 Entry no. 6756

In the Sunni Hadith compilation, Kanz ul Ummaal by Al Muttaqi Hindi, we read a slight variant of the same hadith:

قال رسول الله (صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم) لعمر بن الخطاب: (لو كان بعدي نبيّ لكنته). خط قال: منكر

وفيه أيضاً: (لو كان بعدي نبيّ لكنته). قاله لعمر، الخطيب في رواية ابن مالك، وابن عساكر عن ابن عمر، وقال منكر»

“The Prophet of Allah (s) said about Umar bin al Khattaab: If there had been after me, a Nabi (Prophet), it would have been him (i.e Umar)”

Al Muttaqi al Hindi, the author of Kanz ul Ummal has written in the sidenote of this Hadith that this Hadith is narrated for Umar in the narration of Ibn Maalik and Ibn Asaakir from Ibn Umar and it is "Munkir" (False/Disowned):

Sunni Reference: Kanz ul Ummaal  by Al Muttaqi al Hindi, Vol.12, p.597 Entry no.5862 and Vol.11, p.581 Entry no.3262

Without doubt the truth should not be hidden from the learned readers that this Hadith and its variants were forged by the Nawaasib (enemies / opposers of ahlulbayt a.s) to compete against the Sahih Hadith of the Prophet (s) for Imam Ali a.s which indicated that if there had been the chance of a prophet after Prophet Mohammad (s) it would have been Imam Ali a.s. And it is this from which they found the procedure to forge the Hadith for Umar as well:

..........................................................................................to be continued(Read Part III)

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

UMAR BIN AL KHATTAB: Worthy Of Prophethood?-Part I

There is a famous fairy tale with regards to Umar ibn al Khattab amongst a large number of those people who deem themselves to be from Ahl ul Sunnah today:

They allege that The Holy Prophet Mohammad (SAW) said:

لو كان بعدي نبيّ لكان عمر

"If an Apostle/Prophet (Nabi) were to succeed me, it would have been 'Umar bin Khattab." (Tirmidhi)

References of this Hadith from Ahl ul Sunnah books are as follows:

1- Musnad Ahmed ibn Hanbal Vol.3 P.163 Hadith No.17336
2- Fadaail al Sahaba by Ahmed ibn Hanbal, Vol.1 P.346 Hadith No.498, P.356 Hadith No.519, P.436 Hadith No.694
3- Al Jaamia al Kabeer by Al Tirmidhi, Vol.6 P.59 Hadith No.3686
4- Al Mustadrak by Al Haakim Nishapuri Vol.4 P.38  Hadith No.4551
5- Al-Mo3jam al Kabeer by Al-Tabarani Vol.17 P.310 Hadith No. 857

  The purpose of this research  is to analyze this tradition attributed to the Holy Prophet of Islam in light of:

1-    Logic / Aql and the Message of Qur’an al Kareem and Tafseer
2-    Technical Critique of the hadith literature (advanced as proofs) using Science of Hadith (ilm al jerah wal ta’3deel)
3-    Contrasting Merits of Prophethood viz a viz Seerah of Umar ibn al Khattab to establish if the person with the alleged virtue even meets the criteria of such a lofy statement.

The arguments presented are all backed from reliably well referenced sources of the Ahl ul Sunnah wal Jamaat and where needed (for sake of brevity) the reader has been referred / encouraged to read other documents for further enlightenment.

Logical (Aqli) Arguments against this Fairy Tale / Hadith

1- If Umar had such a high rank then he should have become the immediate successor/caliph of prophet (s) instead of supporting Abu Bakr at Saqifa.

2- This is a lie because Umar himself declared at Saqeefa that Abu Bakr was superior to him and others. Certainly the honor/rank of Prophethood is above Abu Bakr's status!

3- Umar himself declared at various occasions that "If Ali had not been there, Omar would have perished". A person with qualities of prophets does not utter such things

4- Umar’s ancestory is one of zina / adultery and incest (i.e mahram family members committing adultery with each other!!). The product of such a union is called a Zanim  and is criticized and called base-born by Quran. In Islamic law such a person is not even eligible to become the Caliph.

Those who knew Umar in Mecca and later Medina -sometimes- called him Son of Sahhaak. Who was Sahhaak? And why did they call him the son of Sahhaak? Sahhaak was Omar’s grandmother, she was an Ethiopian female slave and used to be known as a prostitute!!

Now I shall give the details of Umar bin Khattab’s lineage and family from the respected books of Ahlul sunnah:


Ibn Katheer in
“Al-bidaya wal Nihaya V 7 P 150” writes:

…He is Umar bin Al-Khattaab bin Nufail bin Abdul Aziz bin Riyaah bin Abdullah bin Qurt bin Ruzaah bin Oday bin Kaab bin Lu’ay bin Ghaalib bin Fahr bin Malik bin Al-Nasr bin Kunana bin Khuzaima bin Mudraka bin Il’yas bin Mudh’ar bin Nizar bin Ma’d bin Adnan Al-Qarashi, Abu Hafs al-Adawi,the one nicknamed Al-Farooq. It is said that the ‘People of the Book’  (Ahlul Kitab!) gave him that name…”

In Seerat Ibn Katheer V1 Page 153 we read:

Zaid bin Umar bin Nufail mentioned: Al-Khattab, the father of Umar bin Al-khattab, was also his uncle and his maternal brother. The reason being, Umar bin Nufail, after the departing of his father, took his father’s wife. She had conceived Al-khattab’s siblings with Nufail…


In the Sunni book
A’laam al-Nisa – kuhala – V 1 P 237 we read:

Hubaa Al-Madaniyyah:
she frequently married, and the women in Madina used to call Hubba, Eve, the mother of humanity, because she taught them many forms of sexual intercourse and she gave a name to each, of which was ‘grunt’, ‘sieve’ and ‘snort’…..

According to Muhmmad bin Al Saeb Al Kalbi , the most famous sunni "ancestory (shajra al ansaab) expert" in islam , and also according to Abu Makhnaf Lut bin Yahya al Azadi who narrated this fact in his well known book "Al Salaba fi Ma'rifat al Sahaba.” (The Strong Knowledge of the Companions)" and in his other book "Al Tankih fi al Nasab al Sarih (The Review of the Certified Lineage)" , the lineage of Omar's ancestors is full of incestuous relations .

Again lets have a look at Umar's wet-nurse/breast-feeding mother :

He was breast-fed by Hubba .A woman who married a lot and loved sex inspite of her big age . She taught the woman of her city many sex positions and names of them.

Sunni Sources for this:

1- "Kitab al Madina al Munawwara" (The book of al Madina) for his author : Ibn Shubba .[V. 1 ,P.237]
2- "A'laam al Nisaa'" (The Known Women ) for his author : Omr Kahhala .[V. 1 ,P.237]
3- "Jamharat al Amthal"[V. 1 ,P.562]
4- "Majma' al Amthal" [V. 1 ,P.2049]

These books narrate details about Hubba which are so vulgar and indecent that I don't wish to mention them any further in this article, for obvious reasons.

Let us now also give some more facts from Ibn al Qutaybah al Daynoori from his book “Al Ma3aarif” on Umar’s family/lineage:

[1] Khattab bin Nufail was from Quraish.

[2] His mother (named SAHHAAK) was from "Qabila-e-Fahem".

[3] She was Nufail's wife.

[4] When Nufail died, Nufail's son "UMRO bin NUFAIL" married her (SAHHAAK) !!

[5] Then SHE gave birth to a son called "ZAID".

[6] Khattab's & Zaid's mother was "SAME" !!

[7]Zaid was the "FATHER" of "SAEED"

[8] SAEED is from the well known ASHRA_E_MUBASHRA list of the NASIBIS!

Sunni Reference:  Al-Ma'arif---page,77 chap---zikr-e-umer, by--Ibne Qutaiba Daynoori

UMAR AND HOMOSEXUALITY (from sunni sources):

1) The prophet curses the womanish (transvestite) and ordered the muslims to expel them from their houses .And Omar expelled one from his house....

(One really wonders What this transvestite/womanish person was doing in Omar's house?!!)

Sahih Bukhari 

Volume 8 : Book 82 : Hadith 820 :


Narrated by Ibn 'Abbas:

The Prophet cursed the effeminate men and those women who assume the similitude (manners) of men. He also said, "Turn them out of your houses." He turned such-and-such person out, and 'Umar also turned out such-and-such person.

Sunni References :
- Al Bukhari in his Sahih [V.8 P.28]
- Sunan al Bayhaqi [V.8 P.224]
- Majma' al Zawaed by al Haythami [V.6 P.273]
- Majma' al Zawaed by al Haythami [V.8 P.103]

2) What Sunni Scholars said about Umar :

Jalal al Din al Sayuti in his book Hawaashi al Kamous :

"... And this ailment was in a group of pan-arabs .One of them was our master Omar ."

What was this ailment ?

Al Fadel ibn al Athir , who is one of the great sunni scholars , has said :

"And the Rafida claimed that Omar is an homosexual .They lied ! . But he had an ailment that it's only cured by the semen of men"


Al Ma'la bin Asad told us : Wahib bin Khaled told us : from Yahya bin Sa'ed : from Salem bin 'Abdillah : Omar bin al Khattab used to enter his hand in the mule's asshole and say :"I am afraid to be asked on what happens to you ."

Sunni References:
- "Kanz el Ummal" for Al Muttaki al Hindi
- "Tarikh al Khulafa'" (The History of the Caliphs) [V.1 , P. 139 ]
- "Al Tabaqat al Kubra" (The High Classes)[V. 3 , P. 268 ]
- "Al Muntazem (until 257Hijri)" [V.4 , P. 141 ]

In Arabic the above vulgarity is as follows:

( وأخرج عن سالم بن عبد الله أن عمر كان يدخل يده في دبرة البعير ويقول إني لخائف أن اسأل عما بك ) ( تاريخ الخلفاء ج: 1 ص: 139 )

( قال أخبرنا المعلى بن أسد قال أخبرنا وهيب بن خالد عن يحيى بن سعد عن سالم بن عبد الله أن عمر بن الخطاب كان يدخل يده في دبرة البعير ويقول إني لخائف أن أسأل عما بك ) ( الطبقات الكبرى ج: 3 ص: 286 )

( قال ابن سعد وأخبرنا المعلى بن أسد قال حدثنا وهيب بن خالد عن يحيى بن سعيد عن بن عبدالله أن عمر بن الخطاب كان يدخل يده في دبرة البعير ويقول إني لخائف أن أسأل عما بك ) ( المنتظم (حتى 257هـ) ج: 4 ص: 141 )

- عن سالم بن عبد الله أن عمر بن الخطاب كان يدخل يده في دبر البعير ويقول: إني خائف أن أسأل عما بك
(ابن سعد، كر)

One of the foremost shining attributes of a Prophet (s) or their inheritors / successors is their knowledge and the knowledge of a prophet is superior to all according to Ahl al Sunnah. In this department Umar is worse than even women sitting in homes. Umar made numerous mistakes in implementing laws in opposition to Islamic law and Sunnah. Eg:

- Bidah of banning muta al nisa and hajj

- Bidah of tathweeb in adhaan

- Bidah of declaring triple pronouncement of talaq in one sitting as final talaq

- Bidah of congregational tarawih prayer

- Speaking against Tayamum and being unaware of its laws

- Being away from mosque in time of prayers in the life of Prophet Mohammad (s) and engaging in worldly things.

- Bidah of racism and tribalism in the name of Kufu and Quraishi Nobility system!

- Banning narration and notation of Prophet Ahadith and persecution of Sahaba who did this.

- Making the murtad Muawavia ibn Abu Sufyan (l.a), the father of Yazeed (l.a) as the governor of Syria.

- Doing tahreef in Adhan by removing "hayya ala khayr el amal" which was part of adhan since 5 A.H in prophet's time.

- Bidah in distribution of Islamic funds of bayt al maal under the non Islamic method of tribal favoritism.

- Having the worst manners, harshest behavior and resorting to violence towards critics and people in general. This was a complaint which sahaba made to Abu bakr when he nominated Omar as his successor on death bed.

-  Casting doubts of severe nature on the prophet hood of Rasoolallah (S) at various occasions including the infamous incident of Al Hudaybia Treaty.

- Refusing the Caliphate of Imam Ali a.s and his Wilayah as ordained by Prophet (s) on various occasions including the last sermon at Ghadeer Khumm

- Calling the Prophet "insane" and invoking anger of prophet (s) on his deathbed when he demanded pen and paper to write wasiyyah.. angering prophet (s) so much that he had to shout at him and his colleagues to get out of his sight!

- Announcing to burn the house of Prophet's daughter Fatima al Zahra a.s at the event of Saqeefah and declaring to her on her face that he does not care if that meant burning of herself and her kids Hassan and Hussain a.s. Fatally injuring the daughter of the Prophet (s) at Saqeefah by banging the door against her and piercing her lungs...resulting in her death from the wound ...within 6 months of this incident at the young age of 18. It is to be noted that Sayyeda al Zahra a.s refused to speak to both him and Abu Bakr till her death and willed that these two not be allowed on her funeral!

- Assisting Abu Bakr in depriving the prophet's daughter (s) from her property of Fadak

- Bidah of reducing 5 takbeers of salat al janaazah to 4

- Bidah of adopting the title of Ameer al Momineen for himself when this was neither give to him by the Quran or the Holy Prophet (s) of Islam. On the contrary Imam Ali a.s who was given this title along with many others was deprived and not even consulted on day of saqeefah!

- Bidah of allowing khula for woman (ie. divorced sought by woman) without presence of a legal authority! (see muwatta of malik)

- Bidah in introducing a slavery system in which it was prohibited to keep Arabs as slaved and only non-Arabs could be made slaves

- Fabrication of alleging the Quran to contain the verses of Rajam (stoning to death)

All these bidahs and sins and many other more (which are not being written for the sake of brevity) are very clearly and well referenced in the books of Hadith and History and Tafseer within the Ahl ul Sunnah wal Jama’h. If the reader is keen to gain further information on these matters, they should refer to our other publications.  
Nevertheless, these and other shocking facts are enough to show that this man was not even near the dust of the feet of the honor, rank, grace and knowledge of the lofty position of prophethood.

....................................................................to be continued ( Read Part II )

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