There is a
famous fairy tale with regards to Umar ibn al Khattab amongst a large number of
those people who deem themselves to be from Ahl ul Sunnah today:
They allege
that The Holy Prophet Mohammad (SAW) said:
لو كان بعدي
نبيّ لكان عمر
an Apostle/Prophet (Nabi) were to succeed me, it would have been 'Umar bin
Khattab." (Tirmidhi)
References of this Hadith from Ahl ul Sunnah
books are as follows:
1- Musnad Ahmed ibn Hanbal Vol.3 P.163 Hadith No.173362- Fadaail al Sahaba by Ahmed ibn Hanbal, Vol.1 P.346 Hadith No.498, P.356 Hadith No.519, P.436 Hadith No.6943- Al Jaamia al Kabeer by Al Tirmidhi, Vol.6 P.59 Hadith No.36864- Al Mustadrak by Al Haakim Nishapuri Vol.4 P.38 Hadith No.45515- Al-Mo3jam al Kabeer by Al-Tabarani Vol.17 P.310 Hadith No. 857
The purpose
of this research is to analyze this tradition attributed to the Holy
Prophet of Islam in light of:
1- Logic / Aql and the Message of Qur’an
al Kareem and Tafseer
2- Technical Critique of the hadith
literature (advanced as proofs) using Science of Hadith (ilm al jerah wal
3- Contrasting Merits of Prophethood viz
a viz Seerah of Umar ibn al Khattab to establish if the person with the alleged
virtue even meets the criteria of such a lofy statement.
The arguments
presented are all backed from reliably well referenced sources of the Ahl ul
Sunnah wal Jamaat and where needed (for sake of brevity) the reader has been
referred / encouraged to read other documents for further enlightenment.
(Aqli) Arguments against this Fairy Tale / Hadith
1- If Umar had such a high rank then he
should have become the immediate successor/caliph of prophet (s) instead of
supporting Abu Bakr at Saqifa.
2- This is a lie because Umar himself declared at Saqeefa that Abu Bakr was superior to him and others. Certainly the honor/rank of Prophethood is above Abu Bakr's status!
3- Umar himself declared at various occasions that "If Ali had not been there, Omar would have perished". A person with qualities of prophets does not utter such things
4- Umar’s ancestory is one of zina /
adultery and incest (i.e mahram family members committing adultery with each
other!!). The product of such a union is called a Zanim and is criticized and called base-born by
Quran. In Islamic law such a person is not even eligible to become the Caliph.
Those who knew Umar in Mecca
and later Medina
-sometimes- called him Son of Sahhaak. Who was Sahhaak? And why
did they call him the son of Sahhaak? Sahhaak was Omar’s grandmother,
she was an Ethiopian female slave and used to be known as a prostitute!!
Now I shall
give the details of Umar bin Khattab’s lineage and family from the respected
books of Ahlul sunnah:
Ibn Katheer in “Al-bidaya wal Nihaya V 7 P 150” writes:
…He is Umar bin Al-Khattaab bin Nufail bin Abdul Aziz bin Riyaah bin Abdullah bin Qurt bin Ruzaah bin Oday bin Kaab bin Lu’ay bin Ghaalib bin Fahr bin Malik bin Al-Nasr bin Kunana bin Khuzaima bin Mudraka bin Il’yas bin Mudh’ar bin Nizar bin Ma’d bin Adnan Al-Qarashi, Abu Hafs al-Adawi,the one nicknamed Al-Farooq. It is said that the ‘People of the Book’ (Ahlul Kitab!) gave him that name…”
In Seerat
Ibn Katheer V1 Page 153 we read:
Zaid bin Umar bin Nufail mentioned: Al-Khattab, the father of Umar bin Al-khattab, was also his uncle and his maternal brother. The reason being, Umar bin Nufail, after the departing of his father, took his father’s wife. She had conceived Al-khattab’s siblings with Nufail…
In the Sunni book A’laam al-Nisa – kuhala – V 1 P 237 we read:
In the Sunni book A’laam al-Nisa – kuhala – V 1 P 237 we read:
Hubaa Al-Madaniyyah: she frequently married, and the women in Madina used to call Hubba, Eve, the mother of humanity, because she taught them many forms of sexual intercourse and she gave a name to each, of which was ‘grunt’, ‘sieve’ and ‘snort’…..
According to Muhmmad
bin Al Saeb Al Kalbi , the most famous sunni "ancestory (shajra al
ansaab) expert" in islam , and also according to Abu Makhnaf Lut bin Yahya
al Azadi who narrated this fact in his well known book "Al Salaba fi
Ma'rifat al Sahaba.” (The Strong Knowledge of the Companions)" and in
his other book "Al Tankih fi al Nasab al Sarih (The Review of the
Certified Lineage)" , the lineage of Omar's ancestors is full of
incestuous relations .
Again lets
have a look at Umar's wet-nurse/breast-feeding mother :
He was
breast-fed by Hubba .A woman who married a lot and loved sex inspite of her big
age . She taught the woman of her city many sex positions and names of them.
Sunni Sources for this:
1- "Kitab al Madina al Munawwara" (The book of al Madina) for his author : Ibn Shubba .[V. 1 ,P.237]2- "A'laam al Nisaa'" (The Known Women ) for his author : Omr Kahhala .[V. 1 ,P.237]3- "Jamharat al Amthal"[V. 1 ,P.562]4- "Majma' al Amthal" [V. 1 ,P.2049]
These books
narrate details about Hubba which are so vulgar and indecent that I don't wish
to mention them any further in this article, for obvious reasons.
Let us now
also give some more facts from Ibn al Qutaybah al Daynoori from his book
“Al Ma3aarif” on Umar’s family/lineage:
Khattab bin Nufail was from Quraish.
[2] His
mother (named SAHHAAK) was from "Qabila-e-Fahem".
[3] She
was Nufail's wife.
[4] When
Nufail died, Nufail's son "UMRO bin NUFAIL" married her (SAHHAAK) !!
[5] Then
SHE gave birth to a son called "ZAID".
Khattab's & Zaid's mother was "SAME" !!
was the "FATHER" of "SAEED"
is from the well known ASHRA_E_MUBASHRA list of the NASIBIS!
Sunni Reference: Al-Ma'arif---page,77 chap---zikr-e-umer, by--Ibne Qutaiba Daynoori
AND HOMOSEXUALITY (from sunni sources):
1) The prophet curses the womanish
(transvestite) and ordered the muslims to expel them from their houses .And
Omar expelled one from his house....
(One really
wonders What this transvestite/womanish person was doing in Omar's house?!!)
Sahih Bukhari | ![]() |
Volume 8 : Book 82 : Hadith 820 :
Narrated by Ibn 'Abbas:
The Prophet cursed the effeminate men and those women who
assume the similitude (manners) of men. He also said, "Turn them out of your
houses." He turned such-and-such person out, and 'Umar also turned out
such-and-such person.
References :
- Al Bukhari in his Sahih [V.8 P.28]- Sunan al Bayhaqi [V.8 P.224]- Majma' al Zawaed by al Haythami [V.6 P.273]- Majma' al Zawaed by al Haythami [V.8 P.103]
2) What Sunni Scholars said about Umar :
Jalal al Din
al Sayuti in his book Hawaashi al Kamous :
And this ailment was in a group of pan-arabs .One of them was our master Omar ."
What was this ailment ?
Al Fadel ibn
al Athir , who is one of the great sunni scholars , has said :
the Rafida claimed that Omar is an homosexual .They lied ! . But he had an
ailment that it's only cured by the semen of men"
Al Ma'la bin
Asad told us : Wahib bin Khaled told us : from Yahya bin Sa'ed : from Salem bin 'Abdillah : Omar
bin al Khattab used to enter his hand in the mule's asshole and say :"I am
afraid to be asked on what happens to you ."
- "Kanz el Ummal" for Al Muttaki al Hindi- "Tarikh al Khulafa'" (The History of the Caliphs) [V.1 , P. 139 ]- "Al Tabaqat al Kubra" (The High Classes)[V. 3 , P. 268 ]- "Al Muntazem (until 257Hijri)" [V.4 , P. 141 ]
In Arabic
the above vulgarity is as follows:
( وأخرج
عن سالم بن عبد الله أن عمر كان يدخل يده
في دبرة البعير ويقول إني لخائف أن
اسأل عما بك ) ( تاريخ الخلفاء ج: 1 ص: 139
( قال
أخبرنا المعلى بن أسد قال أخبرنا وهيب بن خالد عن يحيى بن سعد عن سالم بن عبد الله
أن عمر بن الخطاب كان يدخل يده في دبرة البعير ويقول
إني لخائف أن أسأل عما بك ) ( الطبقات الكبرى ج: 3 ص: 286 )
( قال
ابن سعد وأخبرنا المعلى بن أسد قال حدثنا وهيب بن خالد عن يحيى بن سعيد عن بن
عبدالله أن عمر بن الخطاب كان يدخل يده في دبرة البعير ويقول
إني لخائف أن أسأل عما بك ) ( المنتظم (حتى 257هـ) ج: 4 ص: 141 )
- عن
سالم بن عبد الله أن عمر بن الخطاب كان يدخل يده في دبر البعير ويقول:
إني خائف أن أسأل عما بك
(ابن سعد، كر)
One of the foremost shining
attributes of a Prophet (s) or their inheritors / successors is their knowledge
and the knowledge of a prophet is superior to all according to Ahl al Sunnah.
In this department Umar is worse than even women sitting in homes. Umar made
numerous mistakes in implementing laws in opposition to Islamic law and Sunnah.
- Bidah of
banning muta al nisa and hajj
- Bidah of
tathweeb in adhaan
- Bidah of
declaring triple pronouncement of talaq in one sitting as final talaq
- Bidah of
congregational tarawih prayer
- Speaking
against Tayamum and being unaware of its laws
- Being away
from mosque in time of prayers in the life of Prophet Mohammad (s) and engaging
in worldly things.
- Bidah of
racism and tribalism in the name of Kufu and Quraishi Nobility system!
- Banning
narration and notation of Prophet Ahadith and persecution of Sahaba who did
- Making the
murtad Muawavia ibn Abu Sufyan (l.a), the father of Yazeed (l.a) as the
governor of Syria.
- Doing
tahreef in Adhan by removing "hayya ala khayr el amal" which was part
of adhan since 5 A.H in prophet's time.
- Bidah in
distribution of Islamic funds of bayt al maal under the non Islamic method of
tribal favoritism.
- Having the
worst manners, harshest behavior and resorting to violence towards critics and
people in general. This was a complaint which sahaba made to Abu bakr when he
nominated Omar as his successor on death bed.
- Casting doubts of severe nature on the
prophet hood of Rasoolallah (S) at various occasions including the infamous
incident of Al Hudaybia Treaty.
- Refusing
the Caliphate of Imam Ali a.s and his Wilayah as ordained by Prophet (s) on
various occasions including the last sermon at Ghadeer Khumm
- Calling the
Prophet "insane" and invoking anger of prophet (s) on his deathbed
when he demanded pen and paper to write wasiyyah.. angering prophet (s) so much
that he had to shout at him and his colleagues to get out of his sight!
- Announcing
to burn the house of Prophet's daughter Fatima al Zahra a.s at the event of
Saqeefah and declaring to her on her face that he does not care if that meant
burning of herself and her kids Hassan and Hussain a.s. Fatally injuring the
daughter of the Prophet (s) at Saqeefah by banging the door against her and
piercing her lungs...resulting in her death from the wound ...within 6 months
of this incident at the young age of 18. It is to be noted that Sayyeda al
Zahra a.s refused to speak to both him and Abu Bakr till her death and willed
that these two not be allowed on her funeral!
- Assisting
Abu Bakr in depriving the prophet's daughter (s) from her property of Fadak
- Bidah of
reducing 5 takbeers of salat al janaazah to 4
- Bidah of
adopting the title of Ameer al Momineen for himself when this was neither give
to him by the Quran or the Holy Prophet (s) of Islam. On the contrary Imam Ali
a.s who was given this title along with many others was deprived and not even
consulted on day of saqeefah!
- Bidah of
allowing khula for woman (ie. divorced sought by woman) without presence of a
legal authority! (see muwatta of malik)
- Bidah in
introducing a slavery system in which it was prohibited to keep Arabs as slaved
and only non-Arabs could be made slaves
- Fabrication
of alleging the Quran to contain the verses of Rajam (stoning to death)
All these
bidahs and sins and many other more (which are not being written for the sake
of brevity) are very clearly and well referenced in the books of Hadith and
History and Tafseer within the Ahl ul Sunnah wal Jama’h. If the reader is keen
to gain further information on these matters, they should refer to our other
these and other shocking facts are enough to show that this man was not even
near the dust of the feet of the honor, rank, grace and knowledge of the lofty
position of prophethood. be continued ( Read Part II )
Arabic - العربية
I do not agree with this post. Perhaps it is fine to judge a hadith sahih or not, it should only be done by those who are learned in this field. There is a lot in this post which is inferred. One I do not think any human can be judged on the integrity of lineage. So and so was a bastard therefore he is unworthy, just doesnt ring true.I cannot imagine a true muslim actually believing that. The thing about the transvestite. Seriously???!!!!! Just because there was a transvestite among the household means that he had sexual relations with him/her? Tell me, did you live in his house and see him do this? Because otherwise I know for a fact that you cannot accuse someone of such an act in Islam. So you are not content to call Hazrat Umer whatever and whatever, he is also a homosexual. Any other crime you have missed out? If so you must add it pronto. (sarcasm intended) Oh wait, you did.!!!
I am actually kind of horrified at this post. Maybe what you say has a grain of truth, maybe more, but such writings should not be allowed to the general public. This is the sincere opinion of one who is of the genral public. Please leave such controversial posts in the mails of Alims, be they ahle hadis or not and debate it out with them. We (the general public) could not make judgement on this issue anyway considering that very few of us actually know anything concrete about our religion. Please dude, I am asking you seriously, if you have such a problem with this hadith debate it out with the ahle hadis alims or something. Don't make us so disgusted with our religion that going to sleep in the night with a clear conscious becomes difficult. Or is that your master plan???????
Sana Farooq, please refer to your Alims about the deatils given here and provide a sound justification to invalidate the claim. The sources are all Sunni and they should be able to defend the lineage. If it can't be defended, then give us a situation where a person appointed by Allah who had such a lineage as mentioned in the article.
Lanat ho tum par shia kafro
shia, tum kaly kafir ho.tumhain Syedna Hazrat Umar Farooq (R.A) key mutaliq jhot boltey hoey sharm ani chaiey
Great blog! Keep up the good work!
All these include references from our Sunni books.... I'm truly shocked to find it as utter truth and am ashamed of being a Syed and following Umar ibn Khatab as a role model for so long....
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