Prophet (s) said to Imam Ali a.s:
You are to
me on the same rank as Haroon a.s was to Musa a.s except that there would be
no prophet after me)
أنت منّي
بمنزلة هارون من موسى إلاّ أنّه لا نبيّ
This Hadith
has been recorded by the Eminent Sunni Scholar Hafiz Sulaiman al Qundoozi al
Hanafi in his Yanabi al Mawadah, through 15 different chains of narrations /
paths. And this Hadith is from the path of the Ahlul Sunnah and attested to
be accurate by a majority of their muhadiths/scholars.
It is in the
Sharh (exegesis) of this Sahih Hadith in honor of Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib a.s
that Mullah Ali Qari al Hanafi wrote in his "Mirqaat Sharh al
Mishqaat" that:
فيه إيماء الى
أنه لو كان بعده نبيّاً لكان عليّاً
this hadith is the gesture towards that if there was to be a Prophet (s)
after Prophet Mohammad (s) it would have been Ali a.s"
Reference: Mullah Ali
Qari al Hanafi in "Mirqaat al Mafateeh" Vol.10, P.456 Entry no. 6087
Likewise Mir
Seyyed Ali Hamadani Faqih al-Shafi'i says in the second of the six Mawadda
in his book Mawaddatu'l-Qurba, quoting a narration from Anas Bin Malik,
that the Prophet said:
عن أنس (رضي
الله عنه) قال: قال رسول الله (صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم): إنّ الله إصطفاني على
الانبياء، وإختار لي وصيّاً وخيرت ابن عمّي وصيّ، وشدّ به عضدي كما شد عضد موسى
بأخيه هارون، وخليفتي ووزيري، ولو كان بعدي النبوّة
لكان نبيّاً
Allah made me superior to all the prophets, chose me for excellence, and made
for me a successor, my cousin, Ali. Through him, He strengthened my shoulders,
just as the shoulders of Moses were strengthened by Aaron. He, (Ali) is my
vicegerent / caliph (khaleefati) and assistant (wazeeri). If there were any
prophet after me, it would have been Ali, but there will be no prophet after
- Muwaddat al
Quraba by Shahaab al Din Al Hamadaani in the Sixth Muwaddah
- Yanaabee al
Mawaddah by Sunni Scholar Hafiz Sulaiman Qundoozi al Hanafi mentions a variant
with same meaning in Vol.2, p. 288, Entry no. 823
After the
authenticity and tawatur of the Hadith of Manzilah is clear from so many of the
references indicated above (and many others), let us see another Hadith
narrated by the Nawaasib to promote Umar to rank of Nubuwah. This is in Kanz
ul Ummal as narrated by Al Daylami on authority of Abu Huraira and Abu Bakr:
لو لم اُبعث
فيكم لبعث عمر، أيّد الله عزّ وجلّ عمر بملكين يوفقانه
ويسددانه، فإذا أخطأ صرفاه حتى يكون صواباً
Prophet (s) said:
If I had
not been commissioned for Prophethood amongst you then Umar would have been,
Allah helps Umar with the angels who always reconcile with him and redeem him,
So If he (Umar) sins/faulters He (Allah) purifies/reasons it (the fault/sin)
till it becomes right/correct!!
- Kanz ul
Ummal Vol.11, P.581 Entry no. 32761
- Musnad al
Firdows by al Daylami Vol.3, P.93
- Firdows al
Akhbar by al Daylami Vol.3, P.417 Entry no 5167
I have no comments to pass on such a blasphemous lie where not only the angels
but even Allah has been tried to show as an unjust God who for the sake of
pleasing Umar would convert all his sins into righteousness!!! !
(Naooodoobillahi min Zaalik). May God protect us from the forgeries of such
shameless Nawaasib who are outside the pale of Deen of Allah and who have no
respect for the Prophet (s) and Angels either!
Ibn al Jawzi pursued the veracity/rightness of the
track (path) / isnaad of this tradition and its types and disgraced the
stubborn/perverse people and cried out highly in shock and disappointment due
to the falsehood of this Hadith and disgraced it as gruesome as he said
explicitly in his book "Al Mawdoo'aat" (the forged hadiths
attributed to Prophet) in the section of "Al Ahaadith al Mawdoo3a fi
Fadaail al Umar" (The Forged Hadiths of Fadaail/Merits of Umar):
الثاني: أنبأنا إسماعيل بن أحمد، قال: أنا إسماعيل بن مسعدة، قال: أنا حمزة، قال:
أنا ابن عدي، قال: ثنا عليّ بن الحسين بن قديد، قال: ثنا زكريا بن يحيى الوقار،
قال: ثنا بشر بن بكر، عن أبي بكر بن عبد الله بن أبي مريم، عن ضمرة بن حبيب، عن
غضيف بن الحارث، عن بلال بن رباح، قال: قال رسول الله (صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم): (لو
لم اُبعث فيكم لبعث عمر
Second Hadith:
Ismaeel bin
Ahmad told us that Ismaeel bin Masa3da said that Hamza said that Ibn Adi said
that Ali bin al Hussain bin Qadeed complimented and said that Zakariyyah bin
Yahya al Waqqaar complimented and said Bashar bin Bakar said on authority of
Abi bakr bin Abdullah bin Abi Mariyam who narrated from Damra bin Habeeb who
narrated from Ghadeef bin al Haarith who narrated from Bilal bin Rabaah who
said that the Prophet (s) said: If I had not been commissioned for
prophethood amongst you, then Umar would have been
قال ابن عدي:
ثنا عمر بن الحسن بن نصر الحلبي، ثنا مصعب بن مسعد بن سعد أبو خيثمة، قال: ثنا عبد
الله بن واقد، قال: حدّثنا حيوة بن شريح، عن بكر ابن عمر، وعن مشرح بن [ هاعان ]،
عن عقبة بن عامر، قال: قال رسول الله (صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم): لو
لم اُبعث فيكم لبعث عمر
Ibn Adi said:
Umar bin Al Hassan bin Nasr al Halabi said that Mus3ab bin Masa3d bin Sa3d Abu
Khaythama said Abdullah bin Waqid said that Hayvah bin Shareef narrated to us
from Bakar bin Umar and from Mashrah bin Ha3aan from Aqbah bin Aamir that he said
that Prophet (s) said: If I had not been commissioned for prophethood
amongst you, Umar would have been.
The author
(ibn al jawzi) after mentioning these hadiths says:
هذان حديثان
لا يصحّان عن رسول الله (صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم)، أمّا الاوّل: فإنّ زكريّاً
بن يحيى كان من الكذّابين الكبار، قال ابن عدي:
كان يضع الحديث ; وأمّا الثاني: فقال أحمد ويحيى: وعبد
الله بن واقد، ليس شيء، وقال النسائي متروك الحديث
; وقال ابن حبّان: إنقلبت على مشرح صحائفه، فبطل الاحتجاج به
these Ahaadith are not Sahih from Rasool Allah (s). As for the first one,
Zakariyah bin Yahya in the Sanad (chain of narration) is from one of the
biggest liars (min al kazzaabeen al kubbaar). Ibn Adi said he forged
And as
for the second narration, Ahmed and Yahya said: Abdullah bin Waqid is NOTHING.
And Imam al Nisaai said about him: Matrook al Hadith (rejected one in Hadith)
and Ibn Hibban said: Mashrah's Sahaaif (books) have overthrown/toppled/
tossed/capsized him (i.e his reputation), thus outcries / protestations using
him (and his material) are invalid / false!!
- Al
Mawdoo3aat by ibn Jawzi , Vol.1, p.238
- Al Kaamil
fil Duafa al Rijaal by Ibn Adi, Vol.4, P.174 Entry no 713
- and in
Vol.2, P.145 of Al Duafa wal Majrooheen, ibn al Jawzi says under entry no.2136:
He forged Hadith and conveyed it
- Al Duafa
wal Matrookeen by Imam al Nisai, p.150, Entry no. 354
- Al Duafa
wal Matrookoon by al Daruqutni, P.259, Entry no. 312
- Al
Majrooheen by Ibn Hibban Vol.3, p.28
- Al Thiqaat
by Ibn Hibban Vol.5, P.452
The reader
might be wondering how deceptive and unjust some sunni scholars have been in
promoting their political caliphs to the level of Prophet (s). However this
shock is nothing when we read the real shocker which Ahl ul Sunnah has
fabricated in the name of Prophet (s) for the nobility of Abu Bakr. When we
will disclose this absolutely filthy and vulgar tradition attributed to the
Holy Prophet of Islam (s) by the Ahl ul Sunnah, surely it will even bring the
people of Jahaliyyah to shame!
They allege
that, naoodoobillah, the Holy Prophet (s) of Islam (may god protect him from
liars) said about Abu Bakr:
لابي بكر: لو
كان فيهما الهة لكان فلان
there had been a God within them it would have been so-and-so (pointing towards
Abu Bakr"
tradition is mentioned by their famous scholar Shah Abdul Haqq Mohadiss Dehlvi,
who was claims to be on sufi path, and is known like his forefathers, for his
extreme / excessive Taa'sub/sectarianism against Shia.
Reference: Tohfa
Ithna Ashariyyah by Shah Abdul Haq Mohaddis Dehlvi, Chapter no.10, P.542,
"Mata'ain e Abu Bakr" section
The persian
text of Shah Waliullah which mentions this blasphemy in honor of Abu Bakr is as
«همچنين است
حديث (لو كان بعدي نبيّ لكان عمر) كه به عبارات مختلفة مروى است، چه حسبة الله
انصاف بايد كرد كه جناب مخبر صادق به حق شخص كه عمرها بت پرستى كرده باشد چگونه
ارشاد مى فرموده اند كه بعد از من نبىّ مى بود محمّد مى بود، ويا وجود سخافت
وركاكت مضمون اين جمله كه حديثش نتوان گفت مبطل ترتيب مقرر اين طائفه مى شود، مگر
اينكه در شأن أبو بكر روايت سازند (لو كان فيها آلهة
لكان فلان)».
تحفة اثنا عشرية للدهلوي: الباب
العاشر، مطاعن أبو بكر: 542
When the mind
of Famous Sunni Scholar Jalaluddin Suyyuti (who is reknowned for his usual
sectarian/muta'asib/hateful attitude against shia) was overtaken by his Taa'sub
/ sectarianism (as usual) he set out in pursuit of this absolutely weak and
fake tradition (and its variants), and tried to cloak/disguise it in a most awefully
outrageous manner. So he came out with reasoning which was absolutely weird and
plunged into wrecked and condemnable sentiments/whims/fantasies as you can see
in his own words below:
Ibn Adi heard
from Ali bin Hussain bin Qadeed who heard from Zakariyyah bin Yahya who heard
from Bashar bin Bakar who heard from Abi Bakr bin Abdullah bin Abi Mariyam al
Fussani who heard from Damrah who heard from Ghadeef bin al Haarith who heard
from Bilah bin Rabaah Maroo'an (i.e from Prophet of Islam): If I had not been
commissioned as an Apostle amongst you, Umar would have been
and he said:
Narrated to
us Umar ibn Al Hassan bini Nasar al Halabi, and narrated to him Mus3ab bin Sa3d
Abu Husaymah and narrated to him Abdullah bin Waaqid and narrated to him Hayvah
bin Shareeh from Bakr bin Umro from Mashrah bin Haa'3aan from Aqbah bin Aamir
from Prophet (s) that: If I had not been commissioned as an Apostle amongst
you, Umar would have been
writes that:
لا يصحّ
زكريّا كذّاب يضع، وابن واقد
متروك، ومشرح لا يحتج به.
These are
not correct/sahih traditions
because Zakariyah is a Liar and manufactures fake hadiths and Ibn Waqid is
Matrook (abandoned / rejected /disowned) and as for Mashrah he is not reliable/
represent able.
However even
after nullifying the authenticity of this hadith himself, he contradicts his
very own self and continues with his typical excessively sectarian explanations
which are nothing but sugar coated lies:
(Suyyuti) say that:
has been mentioned by Ibn Hibban in his book "Al Thiqqat" and
as for Ibn Waqid, he is Abu Qatada al Harrani, called trustworthy by
Ibn Ma3een, Ahmed and others. And Mashrah is Authentic/Truthful.
Abbas al Zozzani said
in his book "Shajrah al Aql": I heard Ali bin Hussain with
fineness who heard Abu Abdullah Mohammad bin Utbah well known known as
Al-Ramalli, who heard from Hussain bin Fadal al Waasti, who heard from Abdullah
bin Waqid from Safwaan bin Umro from Raashid bin Sa3d, from Abdullah bin Jubayr
al Hadrami who said that the Prophet (s) said to Umar: If I had not been
commissioned for Prophethood, you would have been.
And also it
has been narrated from Hadith of Abu Bakr and Abu Huraira. So Al Daylami
Reported From
my father, From Abdul Malik bin Abdul Ghaffaar, from Abdullah bin Eesa bin
Haroon from Eesa bin Marwan, who heard from Al Hussain bin Abdul Rahman from
Hamran who heard Ishaaq bin Najeeh from Ata'a bin Maysarah al Khurasani, from
Abu Huraira who reported the Prophet (s) said:
If I had
not been commissioned for Prophethood amongst you then Umar would have been, Allah helps Umar with the angels who
always reconcile with him and redeem him, So If he (Umar) sins/faults He
(Allah) purifies/reasons it (the fault/sin) till it becomes right/correct!!
Al Daylami
said: Same is also
narrated by Raashid bin Sa3d from Maqdaam bin Ma3di Karb from Abi Bakr Siddiq.
And Allah knows best”
- Al-la'laai
al Masnoo3a by Jalaluddin Suyyuti, Vol.1, p.276
- Musnad al
Firdows by Al-Daylami, Vol.3, P.93
It is clear
from this path taken by Suyyuti and in light of information on some of the
narrators discussed earlier that Suyyuti's self-contradicting statements are
nothing but a bitter sectarian outburst of his political alliances /
affiliations towards anything (even if its falsehood) to save the pride of
Ahlulsunnah icons but sadly on the other hand such irresponsible attitude makes
the lying / treacherous and obscene people (i.e narrators) appear as the
victorious ones! Certainly it is this attitude which is an open license for the
Nawaasib and other ill characters to freely lie on the authority of Prophet (s)
and appear as the successful group! What a shame! May Allah protect us from
such Liars, fabricators and the fitna/ta3sub of their aiders/promoters! be continued( Read Part IV)
Arabic - العربية
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