• Misyar Marriage

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    Umar who had not accepted Islam by that time would beat her mercilessly until he was tired. He would then say

Saturday, June 30, 2012

UMAR BIN AL KHATTAB: Worthy Of Prophethood?-Part IV

Now let us expose Suyyuti’s shocking and self-contradicting statements which he tried to disguise as truths in his book so that the reader will have the conclusive proof that our commentary on Suyyuti is not based on harboring any ill feelings towards him or his supporters:

As for his (Suyyuti’s) statement, “Verily Ibn Hibban talked of Zakariyyah in his book "Al Thiqaat" (*)”:

Then yes that is accepted but then he (Ibn Hibban) is from those who dont consider him worthy of being authentic because the criticisms against Zakariyyah are many from the greatest of the Sunni Ulama.

Ibn Adi said: Verily He (Zakariyyah) fabricated hadith

Saalih Jazrah said: Verily He (Zakariyyah) is from the Liars

Ibn Younus also declared the same and called him Daeef even after complimenting him!

(*) We need to clarify one thing that when Ibn Hibban mentioned Zakariyyah in his "Al Thiqaat", he said in his entry/interpretation:

"He Faulters and Transgresses/dissents (from truth) and gave the evidence / attestation (with regards to him) that: Faulters in the Hadith of Musa (a.s)...."

So how can he (ibn hibban) consider him (zakariyyah) correct (in hadith) when he bears witness to the opposite in his very own words!

And Al Dhahabi said in "Al Meezan" that:

«زكريّا بن يحيى المصري، أبو يحيى الوقار [ عن ابن وهب فمن بعده ; قال ابن عدي: يضع الحديث، كذّبه صالح جزره، قال صلح: حدثنا زكريا الوقار ]. وكان من الكذّابين الكبار ; وقال ابن يونس: كان فقيهاً صاحب حلقة، عاش ثمانين سنة، وقيل: كان من الصلحاء العباد الفقهاء، نزح عن مصر أيّام محنة القرآن إلى طرابلس المغرب ; ضعّفه ابن يونس وغيره»

"Zakariyyah bin Yahyah al Misri, Abu Yahya al Waqaar [from Ibn Wahab and so after him: Ibn Adi said: Forged Hadith, Saalih al Jazri declared him Liar. Saalih said: Narrated to us Zakariyyah al Waqaar.] and He was from the greatest of Liars! And Ibn Younus said: He was a Faqeeh, a Fake Man, Lived for 80 years and (there is) a saying: (He is) from the Good Fuqaha (Jurists), migrated from Egypt to Tripoli in the west in the days of disaster/affliction (for quran); Ibn Younus and others all declared him Daeef (Weak).

Sunni References:
1- Al Dhahabi in Meezan al Eitadal Vol.3, P.113, Entry no.2795
2- Ibn Adi in Al Kaamil Fi Du'afa al Rijaal Vol.4, P.174, Entry no.713

 And as for his (Suyuti's) approval / authentication of Abi Qatadah: 

It should be enough to know that he (Abi Qatadah) is noted as a most untrustworthy, abandoned, weak and unrelied upon person by the greatest of the Sunni Imams of Hadith and ilm al Rijaal:

البخاري قال: إنّهم سكتوا عنه، وقال أيضاً: تركوه، وقال أبو زرعة والدارقطني: ضعيف، وقال يعقوب بن إسماعيل: إنّه يكذب، وقال أبو حاتم: ذهب حديثه، وقال الجوزجاني: إنّه
متروك، وقال ابن حبّان: إنّه لا يجوز الاحتجاج بخبره، ولم يخرّج أصحاب الصحاح كافة له شيئاً

“And the best of them, Al Bukhari said: reduce/subside from him

and Al Bukhari also said: Abandon/drop/leave him.

Al Zara3a and Al Darulqutni said: Daeef (Weak) !

And Yaqoob bin Ismaeel said: Verily He Lied!

And Abu Haatim said: Leave his Hadith!

And Al Jowzjaani said: Verily he is Matrook (Abandoned)

And Ibn Hibban said: Verily it is not permitted to represent (any religious argument) on basis of his reports, and the authors of the Al-Sihah never took anything at all from him!”

Sunni References:
1- Al Tareekh al Kabeer by al Bukhari Vol.5, P.219 Entry no.713
2- Al Du'afa by Al Bukhari P.71 Entry no.198
3- Al Du'afa wal Matrookoon  by Al Daralqutni P.259
4- Al Jarah wal Ta'deel by Ibn Abi Al Haatim Vol.5 P.191
5- Ahwaal al Rijaal by Al Jowzjaani P.180 Entry no.325
6- Al Majrooheen by Ibn Hibban Vol.2 P.29

 And as for his (Suyyuti's) authentication of Abu Qatada by Ibn Ma3een for this cursed liar:

Then no one with a sober mind and firm intellect can reach this opinion. Because He (Ibn Ma3een) said once already with victorious firmness / finality and sureness / certainty:

إنّه ليس بشيء

"Verily he is Nothing"

And (then) he replied phrases of criticism with the criticizers and with that he said at another place:

إنّه ليس به بأس كثير الغلط

"Verily with him is nothing good, (he is) abundant / plentiful in mistakes"

Sunni References:
1- Tahzeeb al Tahzeeb by Ibn Hajar al Asqallani Vol3. P.277 Entry no.4276
2- Tareekh Yahya bin Ma3een Vol.2 P.295 Entry no.4898 and P.345 Entry no. 5234
3- Al Jaamia fil ilal by Ahmed ibn Hanbal, Vol.1 p.222 entry no.1450 and in it Ahmed ibn Hanbal says, My father said: I reckon Aba Qataada used to do Tadlees (i.e manipulating chains of narrations by hiding names of weak narrators in them.. in order to make the narrations look authentic!) and God knows best.
5- Al Duafa wal Matrookeen by Ibn al Jawzi Vol.2, P.145 Entry no.2136

As for Suyyuti's fictitious words that "besides" Ahmad bin Hanbal and Yahya, Suyyuti "others" authenticate Ibn Waqid as well; this is merely a plain lie and empty plea of a biased person who is unable to digest defeatist, because all the known books of ilm al rijaal have already very clearly explained the opposite in detail.

Here again, I present, the words of Al Dhahabi on this person from his infamous Meezan al Eitadal:

«عبد الله بن واقد، أبو قتادة الحراني، مات سنة عشر ومائتين ; قال البخاري: سكتوا عنه، وقال أيضاً: تركوه ; وقال أبو زرعة والدارقطني: ضعيف ; وقال أبو حاتم: ذهب حديثه ; وروى عبد الله بن أحمد، عن ابن معين: ليس بشيء، وروى الدولابي، عن عباس، عن يحيى: ليس بشيء، وقال أيضاً: ليس به بأس، كثير الغلط.

وقال الجوزجاني: متروك

وقال ابن حبّان: كان أبو قتادة من عباد الجزيرة فغفل عن الاتقان، فوقعت المناكير في أخباره، فلا يجوز أن يحتج بخبره

"Abdullah bin Waqid, Abu Qatada al Harrani, died in the year 210 A.H;

Bukhari said: reduce/subside from him; and also he said: Abandon/drop/leave him.

Al Zara3a and Al Darulqutni said: Daeef (Weak) !

And Abu Haatim said: Leave his Hadith!

And Abdullah bin Ahmed narrated from Ibn Ma3een: He is Nothing

And Al Dowlaabi narrated from Abbas who reported from Yahya: He is Nothing

And he also said: With him is nothing good, Abundantly/Plentifully Wrong

And Al Jowzjaani said: Matrook (Abandoned)

And Ibn Hibban said: Abu Qatada was from the men of al Jazeerah, he overlooked (was forgetful) about perfection/accuracy and in his reports fall in the category of the disowned/rejected ones so it is Not permissible to justify arguments using them.”

Then Al Dhahabi narrates a number of traditions narrated by Abu Qatadah including one which is narrated from Thawri who narrates from Hisham from his father from Aisha...and then declares at the end that:

حدّثناه محمّد بن العباس الدمشقي بجرجان، ثنا عبد الله بن ثابت بن حسان الهاشمي الحراني، ثنا أبو قتادة ; قلت: هذا حديث موضوع مهتوك الحال ما أعتقد أنّ أبا قتادة رآه.

"This hadith is a forged one, degraded/disgraceful in nature because Abu Qatadah narrated it"

ثمّ وجدت له اسناد آخر عنه رواه الطبراني: عن عبد الله بن سعيد البرقي، عن أحمد بن أبي شيبة الرهاوي، عن أبي قتادة فهو الافة.

And al-Dhahabi says: This (hadith) has also reached me through another chain of narration from him (Abu Qatada) through Al-Tabarani on authority of abdullah bin saeed al barqi from Ahmed bin Abi Sheebah al Rahaawi from Abu Qatadah who is an Aafat!!

أبو خيثمة مصعب بن سعيد، ثنا عبد الله بن واقد، ثنا حيوة بن شريح، عن بكر بن عمرو، عن مشرح، عن عقبة بن عامر، قال رسول الله (صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم): (لو لم اُبعث فيكم لبعث فيكم عمر) ولم يخرجوا لابي قتادة شيئاً

Abu Khuzayma Mus3ab bin Saeed
(the author of Sahih al Khuzayma) says that: I heard Abdullah bin Waqid, who heard Haywah bin Shareeh on authority of Bakar bin Umro on authority of Mashrah on authority of Aamir who said the Prophet of Allah (s) said: If I had not been commissioned amongst you as an apostle/prophet, Umar would have been-  and (Al-Dhahabi adds) NEVER TAKE FROM ABU QATADA ANYTHING!"

Sunni Reference: Meezan al Eitadal by Al-Dhahabi Vol.4, P.219 Entry no.4676

What an exquisite moment this is. Surely truth is manifest openly for any truth seeker to witness here. Both Ibn Ma3een and Al-Dhahabi have flatly rejected Abu Qatada and refused to accept him as anything besides calling his hadiths “forged”.

Suyyuti quoted Yahya bin Ma3een and others for authenticating this Liar (Abu Qatada) and We have now clearly read the detailed analysis of al Dhahabi with the verdicts of scholars before him (including Yahya ibn Ma3een) and then finally Dhahabi himself; where not a single word has he written to honor him with any authenticity. Now the reader can himself see how truthful Suyyuti has been in quoting those "and others" who have allegedly "authenticated" Abu Qatada while his own master Dhahabi disagrees with him vehemently and openly accuses Abu Qatada of manufacturing and forging false Hadiths in the name of the Holy Prophet (s).

Suyyuti did not even realise that he tried to distort the facts on authority of a book / author which is very well known. We are however certain that he knew all these facts but deliberately hid them from the eyes of the ordinary people and made the lies to promote this fabricator as perfect in order to please his political masters.

The double standards of Suyyuti can also be fathomed from the fact that the very same hadith (which tabarani took from aisha as mentioned by al dhahabi above) is also mentioned in the same fashion by Suyyuti in his book "Al-la'laai al Masnoo3a" with the same addition (on authority of al-dhahabi) in the end that this Hadith is reached through Abu Qatada who  is an Aafat (wrong/harmful) !!
The respected reader may check this below as extracted from Suyyuti’s book in question where he clearly says that his Imam Al Dhahabi has declared this Hadith as a forged and disgraceful and that he has said its also mentioned by al Tabarani and contains the narrator Abu Qatada who is an Aafat (wrong/harmful)!!:

حيث قال في اللالئ المصنوعة، في مناقب أهل البيت (عليهم السلام) عند ذكر هذا الحديث:

«ابن حبّان، أنبأ محمّد بن العبّاس الدمشقي، ثنا عبد الله بن ثابت بن حسان الهاشمي، ثنا عبد الله بن واقد أبو قتادة الحراني، عن سفيان الثوري، عن هشام بن عروة، عن أبيه، عن عائشة: (إنّ النبيّ (صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم) كان كثيراً ما يقبل نحر فاطمة (عليها السلام)، فقلت: يا رسول الله أراك تفعل شيئاً لم تفعله قال: أو ما علمت يا حميراء أنّ الله عزّ وجلّ لمّا أسرى بي إلى السماء أمر جبرئيل فأدخلني الجنّة، ووقفني على شجرة ما رأيت أطيب منها رائحة، ولا أطيب ثمراً، فأقبل جبرئيل يفرك ويطعمني، فخلق الله في صلبي منها نطفة، فلمّا صرت إلى الدنيا واقعت خديجة، فحملت بفاطمة كلّما اشتقت إلى رائحة تلك الشجرة شممت نحر فاطمة، فوجدت رائحة تلك الشجرة منها، وإنّها ليست من نساء أهل الدنيا، ولا تعتال كما تعتلّ أهل الدنيا) عبد الله بن واقد متروك، قلت: قال الذّهبي في الميزان: هذا الحديث موضوع مهتوك الحال، ما أعتقد أنّ أبا قتادة رواه، قال: ثمّ وجدت له إسناداً آخر عنه رواه الطبراني: عن عبد الله بن سعيد الرقي، عن أحمد بن أبي شيبة، عن أبي قتادة، فهو الافة، والله أعلم»).

Sunni Reference: Al-la'laai al Masnoo3a by Jalalul Din Suyyuti Vol.1, p.360

After reading such blatant contradictions of Suyyuti, I can only say, May Allah protect us from such combination of Asabiyyah (sectarian prejudice) and Ghulu (extremism in promoting some personality). His advances to protect the greatest liars and manufacturers of Hadiths have been defaced from the very authorities he himself considers authentic and masters and imams in hadith and ilm al jerah wal ta3deel.


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