After the death of the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.), his Caliphate and
Successorship was the right of Imam Ali (a.s.), who made several
attempts to prove that Caliphate was his exclusive right and that others
were mere pseudo-claimants and usurpers. However, after the martyrdom
of the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.), he found himself alone and could not
gather the people towards the obedience of Caliphate entrusted to him by
the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.). However, he expressed his annoyance
concerning the misappropriation of his right on every possible
opportunity. Then, be it in a gathering of people or amongst his close
confidants, or even while expressing his protest in front of the
Caliphs. At every place, he (a.s.) strongly emphasized the fact that the
right to Caliphate was his and others did not have any right upon it.
He also accentuated that it was an appointment by Allah delivered unto
the people through the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.). Hence, he disapproved
any other principle or law concerning the appointment of the Caliph of
Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.).
The finest example in support of this aim is his retiring himself to
his own house. After the death of Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.), he retired
himself to his house and did not pledge his allegiance as a result of
which his home was set ablaze. His wife, the only daughter of the Holy
Prophet (s.a.w.a.), was wounded and his unborn child, Janab-e- Mohsin
(a.s.) was martyred while still in the womb of his mother. Thus, Ali
(a.s.) made his right evident and completed his argument upon those who
had turned away from the one appointed by the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.)
and designated by Allah for His Caliphate. Had he gone to the court on
his own before their trial of strength and other similar forms of
protest, the argument wouldn’t be complete.
Hence, in no way can it be said that he did not take any steps to
establish the truth and obtain his right. However, another question that
can be answered here as an explanation, that is, why did he not use
force to get his right?
There are certain reasons for this:
1) Fear of the Nation (ummah) turning apostates:
Ameerul Momineen (a.s.) feared that if he insisted on the evident
order concerning the Caliphate, the new converts to Islam would turn
away from it. This was so because the hypocrites had reached to power
after the death of Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) and their might had
increased. The hearts of the Muslims were weakening by the day.
Tremendous commotion was created in the fundamentals of religion. After
the death of the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.), the condition of Muslims
closely resembled a goat searching for shelter in a freezing dark night
after becoming wet in the rains, only to be surrounded from all sides by
hungry wolves ready to tear it apart. Some of the Arab tribes had
already turned apostates, while some were treading the path towards it.
2) Fear of dissension among the Muslim Ummah:
One of the reasons why Ameerul Momineen (a.s.) chose not to use his
might was the fear of dissension and factionalism amongst the Muslim
nation. The prevalent condition of the Muslims at that time was the best
moment for the unbelievers and the hypocrites to reveal their old
plots. Disputes arose amongst the Ansars (inhabitants of Medina) and the Muhajiroon
(inhabitants of Makkah) and each one, for some or the other reason,
desired the throne of Caliphate. (Or the moment) when Abu Sufyan
requested for assistance and support of Ameerul Momineen (a.s.), but he
(a.s.) refused, asking him from when had he (Abu Sufiyan) become a
supporter and helper of Islam?
3) For Islam’s survival:
Ameerul Momineen (a.s.) desired the survival of Islam at any cost.
Being concerned about Islam at that delicate moment, he found it
imprudent to use force to seize the Caliphate. Had he taken up arms and
revolted along with his few helpers, it would have led to the
destruction of the Islamic System after the death of the Holy Prophet
(s.a.w.a.). Mischief and destruction among the people would become
rampant and all the sacrifices and devotion made till that time would be
rendered futile. Hence, for the existence of Islam and the success of
the common Muslims, he decided not to stand-up for his right and never
revealed any intention for the same. And this last reason holds
superiority over all the other reasons mentioned, due to which neither
did Ameerul Momineen (a.s.) put up a show of strength nor did he cast
out his sword to obtain that Caliphate, for which he was divinely
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